Verteidigungskräfte: Die Russen haben Einheiten ohne Kampferfahrung eingesetzt, um Wowtschansk zu stürmen

Verteidigungskräfte: Die Russen haben Einheiten ohne Kampferfahrung eingesetzt, um Wowtschansk zu stürmen

  1. I wonder if their mothers and fathers know.

    More dead Russian soldiers for Putin’s imperial expansion.

    Rise up Mother Russia!

  2. In recent weeks, there have been multiple instances of enemy troops refusing to perform combat and special tasks (logistics and engineering work) in the Hlyboke – Lyptsi direction and in Vovchansk.

    The enemy increasingly deploys personnel who are morally unprepared for any tasks.

    Seems like the meat doesn’t trust the grinder operator for some reason.

  3. “Russia continues to use the same combat tactics they’ve used since the Second World War. More at 6.”

  4. The only thing to fear from Russia is the nukes. There’s no strategy here, just we can end all life.

  5. The parents or family have to buy bodybags for their dead son/brother/father, because the “mighty great ruSSian army” can’t afford them anymore.

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