[OC] Visualization of which presidential candidate spoke last in each topic of the debate

[OC] Visualization of which presidential candidate spoke last in each topic of the debate

Posted by fillgates

  1. That was my biggest gripe with ABC, halfway through it was rather obvious Kamala never got to have the last word.

  2. I’ve only watched a few clips bc “debates” with Trump are meaningless in general, but this visualization might be the least shocking thing I’ve ever seen.

    Overall well organized, but I feel the graph is entirely useless.

  3. Harris probably could’ve gotten the last word on some of the topics if she pushed for it. It’s not like Trump was improving his case with what he was saying. When your opponent is digging his own grave you don’t fight him for the shovel.

  4. My interpretation of this graph: guy had plenty of chances to make a fool of himself and he didn’t hesitate.

  5. Watched the whole thing. I got the feeling the mods did a good job trying to stop both Trump and Harris. It’s just that she had the decorum to mostly restrain herself and he just wouldn’t shut the fuck up. It was infuriating.

  6. LOL, great visualization.

    trump is such a petty man. He won’t go for the handshake first, will not look Harris in the eyes but he’s gotta have the last word every fucking time.

  7. Not a terribly moderated debate, however, your framing of the questions and core topics make it clear the priorities were off for what Americans need and want.

    – 1 question and 2 minutes of response for “Climate Change”
    – No direct question about parenting and childcare in America.
    – No direct question regarding housing costs or what federal policy proposals they have.
    – No direct question about finding a path forward to reduce gun deaths.
    – No direct questions on marijuana scheduling or disparate impacts of federal laws on policing
    – No direct question of managing the student loan debt crisis and the costs of college

    Yet, let’s talk about how Donnie said you weren’t black. Let’s spend a boat load of time on the (legitimately important) topics of the Afghanistan, Israel/Hamas, and Russia/Ukraine.

    Glad that Harris found dozens of opportunities to comment on or even discuss specific policy proposals on the forgotten topics.

  8. I would love to see the time speaking on each topic too. Repeatedly he would just ignore them trying to stop him and he would get an extra 30s

  9. Of course he’s the type of person to think whomever speaks loudest and last is correct and “wins” an argument.

  10. He spoke for more time than her. He completely ignored more questions than her. He always got the last word in.

    But in the eyes of Trump supporters, he’s still the victim. The loudest, most visible man in America was still “silenced.” No one ever lets the most obvious, obnoxious, offensive man in America speak, poor thing.

  11. Kamala not getting the last word might have been for her own good. Trump butchered almost everything he said. It was like watching a senile old lunatic dig himself a deeper and deeper hole with every word that came out of his mouth.

  12. Kinda seems like ABC was favoring trump and not the other way around… but that is none of my business

  13. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making mistake. Trump did most of the heavy lifting by making claims like democrat supports killing toddler

  14. Well I think a lot of his last words made him sound insane or a dumbass so it was better for kamala to let Trump take himself down.

  15. This pissed me off SOOOO much. ALWAYS allowing him to respond was absolutely obnoxious and not allowing Kamala that ONE FUGGING TIME … I was furious!

  16. He maybe got the last word, or all the words, but he said nothing of each topic outside of immigration. Every answer spun back to fear mongering due to immigration.

  17. Every single time, they let him talk and turned his mic on. I don’t get it. They were heavily biased in favor of Trump talking more than Kamala. Whoever was controlling the mic obviously supported Trump.

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