Trump won the debate. Over 90%. Everybody is saying it.

Trump won the debate. Over 90%. Everybody is saying it.

Posted by kalamazoo43

  1. The number 1 thing a good debate performance does, is make the other side less enthusiastic. Vote. Don’t count on the other side not voting, but they’re definitely wondering about the effort now. Vote.

  2. Don’t forget to tell all your Trumpy idiot colleagues that there has never been a better time to buy Trump Media stock. The sheep in the MSM may have spooked investors with their Fake News that he lost the debate, but you know better! Buy the dip! To the mooooon!

  3. “All of the people I’m my close circle, friends of mine, are siding with me. They’re the only ones I talk to.”

  4. Switch post birth abortions with illegal immigrant transgender surgeries. “Post birth abortions” is an old trope from decades ago.

  5. Imagine, there’s people that heard this and still are going to vote for him. Mind boggling

  6. No, you see, she didn’t explain how she is going to help the economy.

    Even tho she explained how she is going to help the economy, with her, you know, 5 point plan.

  7. I’m really surprised no one is making fun of

    “Solar is awful, I love Solar, btw.”

    The actual quote is more complicate. I guess it’s easier to meme quick slogans.

  8. Grown men come up to me in the street, strong men, with tears in their eyes and cat guts on their chins, begging me to please win another debate against the laughing lady

  9. They are eating transgender immigrant dogs that had abortions according to the idea of the concept of a plan

  10. So listen im a Republican I’ve been hearing about the” post birth abortions “ I’m trying to actually learn here but I’ve seen a video where governor Northam says “ so in this particular example if a mother is in labor I can tell you exactly what would happen the infant would be delivered , the infant would be kept comfortable the infant will be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and family desire and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother “ I’ve only been able to find this part but not the part before republicans say that he’s talking about doing nothing to the baby after it gets delivered causing it to die which is murder but I’ve seen on the democrat side saying that this is only in the case of severe deformities or where tbey have a condition where they won’t survive long after birth . But can anyone inform me what is the context of what he’s saying ? Or send me a link to the video where he days before hand cause I don’t want to be misinformed and just say lies that haven’t been fact checked .

  11. 1. It isn’t happening.
    2. It’s happening, but extremely rare.
    3. It’s happening, but it doesn’t affect anything.
    4. It happens, deal with it.

    We are in step one.

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