At least it’s better than the italians

At least it’s better than the italians

by BreizhEmirateWhen

  1. France being the dominant military power in europe only to get beaten up by some basicly prussians sitting in a swamp.

  2. 7 year war lol imagine being french and having Russia and Austria on your side and loose to some barely populated small country in east germany 😂🫵

  3. “Superior warrior race”

    *lose two wars*

    Making everyone think that is actually good at war is Hans greatest victory.

  4. >Claims to be the new masters of the continent now they’ve united

    >starts one (1) war


    >Claims to be the hyper militarised, disciplined, master race

    >starts one (1) war


    Lmao. Imagine having such a titanic skill issue.

  5. Did you forget about the not-holly, not-Roman, not-empire?

    Of all the thing they were not, being bad at fighting wasn’t one of them

  6. Fr*nch when they start wars, invade the HRE and annex territories for 300 years: 🤗

    Fr*nch when they get invaded 3 times: 😡😡😡

  7. >being beaten up by the entire continent

    You’re missing that this took *the entire continent* most of the times.

  8. Ignoring the fact that we werent a united country 150 years ago. And in the time only Single parts were beating the shit out of your called “empires”. We also fucked the Romans on their peak. You maybe should just stop reducing us to the timeframe of 1880 tl 1945. BC that was the only time the Autism was actually united and aggressiv.

  9. The duality of french people laughing at Germany for being militarily incapable and blaming Germany for steamrolling them twice.

  10. I don’t think there’s many countrys in history with a clean sheet. Most of us got our asses handed to us by rome and if not rome it was the Vikings. Britain got both

  11. Stomping Pierre so hard that over 80 years later they still cry and cope about it was the biggest (I admit rare) German W ever.

  12. What did France conquer before Napoleon? Marched into Italy several times just to be kicked out by the weak Habsburgs, that never really yielded any kind of imperial army but POCs. Almost got devoured by Britons. Cried like a bitch and sold each other out when the Romans came unlike us Germanics that took all the nice things and in the end Rome itself to teabag on it for a millenium.

    Claiming France to be a historical military genius because of Napoleon is the same as claiming Germans to be one because of Hitler

  13. 50 years? Prussia existed for quite a while and was definitely militarily inclined their whole existence.

  14. ~1200 years of continued existence where? When? Who?

    Germany as a coherent nation existed in some form since 1871. Anything before that doesn’t really count as a Germany.

  15. Wait, remind me again, what happened in June of 1815? Oh right, Barry and Hans took turns kicking Pierres ass…

  16. Unironically, it’s the finns who are the most insane mfs. Not only did they put 7 soviets underground for each loss they took while fightint tanks with molotov cocktails … But they also were the only nation during ww2 with a positive ratio against the germans after they pulled out a mama mia lasagna and fought the germans. While living in basically a giant forest.

    In the olympics of biggus dickus fighters, finns get the gold, sorry.

    Silver is for France. Most of europe declared war on them when they cut the head of their king so many of their capital cities were attacked or occupied, economy was destroyed because of the revolution, counter-revolutionary rose to join the attackers so they also had a simili-civil war … Yet they pushed back the coalitions, took Berlin in two weeks despite the prussian empire beint one of the best and they went all the way to moscow singing about food and onions.

    Bronze is Germany. Similar to France, really, but they were the attackers instead, they took Paris in 5 weeks, not 2. They reached Moscow but didn’t take it … Overall they did slightly less than France despite having a real technological advantage on their ennemies. And they also got a grace period with England and France letting them grab population and territory for free, so they get a penalty for that. Like, next time attack England directly like men.

    Here. I think I was fair.

  17. Hey, Pierre, there’s something going on in the Ardennes, some engine sound in the forest, maybe go check it out

  18. Germans were so shit at war that French Kings had to hire German and Swiss (Mountain German) Mercenaries to fight other Germans

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