More than half of Brazil is wracked by drought. Blame deforestation.

More than half of Brazil is wracked by drought. Blame deforestation.

by washingtonpost

  1. RIO DE JANEIRO — In the north of Brazil, dried rivers have left communities accessible only by boat landlocked. In the central west, fires are razing what were once wetlands. And in the densely populated southeast, smoke from tens of thousands of blazes is choking cities.

    Brazil is in the grip of its worst drought on record, Brazil’s Center for Natural Disaster Monitoring and Alerts said this month, a drought that has parched at least 59 percent of Latin America’s largest country and dried out more than 1,400 cities.

    Even in a country that has grown increasingly inured to the damage wrought by drought — which in recent years has dried out swaths of the Amazon forest, killed scores of river dolphins and caused some territory to be reclassified as arid — recent scenes of privation and struggle have been startling.

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  2. My aunt lives in the Brazilian capital.

    They are 146 days without a single raindrop.

    Meanwhile, in the south, we had a historical flooding of the whole state, with 18 consecutive days of rain followed by a single day of dark clouds and then more 12 days of consecutive rain, some cities were 98% flooded, some literally were carried by the floods and will cease existing in they original place.

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