Edinburgh rape crisis centre failed to protect women-only spaces

Edinburgh rape crisis centre failed to protect women-only spaces

by lightlamp4

  1. Fucking love living in a society that considers people like me to be so disgusting and vile that anything short of outright segregation for vulnerable members of my minority, even if it excludes them from accessing help, is basically considered a hate crime against “normal people” due to the apparent risks of us raping everyone we meet.

    History will not be kind to this viewpoint, I hope I live long enough to see it understood for what it is and treated like these standards would be for other groups.

  2. Crisis centre managed by a trans woman refuses to exclude or misgender trans people, a community much more likely to experience sexual assault than the general population, and this is framed as a bad thing.

  3. The report is here


    It makes for sobering reading.

  4. The main figures of the gender critical movement in Scotland are really going off the deep end these days, even going after women assigned female at birth because they don’t fit their rigid stereotype of womanhood. I suspect a lot of this trans panic is going to age quite badly.

  5. Would it be reasonable to ask a cis woman who looks masculine enough to be triggering to some other women to leave the clinic? The olympic boxing nonsense really lifted the veil on some of the anti trans stuff. Clearly no interest in protecting women unless they confirm to certain aesthetics, regardless of facts

  6. So is this all theoretical because there are no incidents mentioned that I can see? Someone being upset isn’t the same thing.

  7. Does the Equality Act not allow for an organisation to *choose* to provide single-sex spaces, if they want to, rather than compel them to?

    Edit: I’ll interpret the immediate downvote this received as someone being unhappy that I’m correct.

  8. Sounds like a shitty manager trying to deflect all criticism and claim anyone who has a problem with her is a transphobe.

    When a regulatory body investigates the centre and finds numerous failures, you can’t just call everyone a transphobe and act like the centre is perfect.

    At the end of the day, the centre was putting the feelings and beliefs of the manager and staff over the needs of a service user. Women that needed help to deal with a life changing traumatic experience were called transphobes and didn’t get the help they needed.

    TLDR of article: A service user wanted to know the gender of the staff member she would be speaking with. Obviously going to a rape centre and talking about your trauma is an incredibly difficult thing. I don’t blame any woman worried about who they are going to be telling their story to.

    One staff member could not answer the question of the service user, as the person they were due to be speaking to identified as non-binary.

    When this staff member raised her concern with the manager (trans woman), and said that service users should be able to know the gender of who they will be speaking to, she was fired…

  9. Maybe a rape crisis centre is the kind of place that should be segregated by biological sex?

    How you police that, though ….

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