Germany’s Scholz gets tough on border in bid to save political future

Germany’s Scholz gets tough on border in bid to save political future

Posted by ThevaramAcolytus

  1. You can always trust the professional foot shooters in the SPD to fumble the bag when confronted with the far right. It’s an established tradition at this point.

    ‘member when the left wing was actually left? I ‘member. Now we’re stuck with these third way losers.

  2. Are migrants such a core plank to left leaning politics that they can’t adopt a more conservative attitude on this one issue and pull the rug from under their competition? This seems like such an odd hill to die on, or is the idea of compromise on any plank that revolting that they refuse to do it?

  3. He should be in prison for his corruption but the Germans made him Prime Minister.

    What exactly does he try to achieve by starting to make right wing politics? The AFD voters won’t vote for him anyway.

  4. Why do people trust these politicians who do nothing for years and then offer empty platitudes right before an election? The time to ‘get tough’ on the border was years ago.

  5. When has trying to copy populist right wing talking points *ever* done anything to lower the populist far right’s popularity? All this does is normalise the talking points while attracting no to the SPD. Scholz, you’re ***never*** beating them on credibility for these things, no one voting for the AfD over ‘the border’ will ever consider you over the AfD on that issue. You need to beat them on other fronts, you *cannot* compete with the populist right on their turf. Come on dude, you’re supposedly leading a left wing party, give those left wing economical ideas your party supposedly stands for some time in the spotlight and hammer them home

  6. incredible how the incompetence of liberals yet again leads them to collaborate with the far right rather than change anything about their neoliberal austerity politics. things aren‘t gonna change, middle class is gonna get weaker again and the far right will rise even more

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