Trump’s Ex-FBI Official: We Have ‘Many Reasons’ to Think Ex-President is a Russian ‘Asset’: ‘Phone calls, face-to-face meetings, the things that he has said in public about Putin, all raise significant questions.’

Trump’s Ex-FBI Official: We Have ‘Many Reasons’ to Think Ex-President is a Russian ‘Asset’: ‘Phone calls, face-to-face meetings, the things that he has said in public about Putin, all raise significant questions.’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Donald Trump could rightly be seen as a Russian asset, according to a former FBI director the ex-president fired in his first term.

    Andrew McCabe appeared on the One Decision podcast co-hosted by former British intelligence agency chief Sir Richard Dearlove, who asked whether he thought it possible that Trump was a Russian asset, and he said, “I do, I do,” [reported The Guardian](

    “I don’t know that I would characterize it as [an] active, recruited, knowing asset in the way that people in the intelligence community think of that term,” McCabe said. “But I do think that Donald Trump has given us many reasons to question his approach to the Russia problem in the United States, and I think his approach to interacting with Vladimir Putin, be it phone calls, face-to-face meetings, the things that he has said in public about Putin, all raise significant questions.”

    McCabe raised suspicions about Trump’s attitude toward Ukraine and NATO in the face of Russian aggression and said he’s had concerns about his admiration for Vladimir Putin since the ex-president fired him in March 2018, two days before he was due to retire, during the FBI’s investigation of Kremlin interference in the 2016 election.

    “You have to have some very serious questions about, why is it that Donald Trump … has this fawning sort of admiration for Vladimir Putin in a way that no other American president, Republican or Democrat, ever has,” McCabe said.

    “It may just be from a fundamental misunderstanding of this problem set that’s always a problem,” he added. “That’s always a possibility, and I guess the other end of that spectrum would be that there is some kind of relationship or a desire for a relationship of some sort, be it economic or business oriented, what have you. I think those are possibilities. None of them have been proven. But as an intelligence officer, those are the things that you think about.”

    McCabe expressed “very serious concerns” about a second Trump presidency and said that Russia had long desired to interfere with U.S. democracy.

    “Their desire to kind of wreak havoc or mischief in our political system is something that’s been going on for years, decades and decades and decades,” McCabe said. “Their interest in just simply sowing chaos and division and polarization. If they can do that, it’s a win. If they can actually hurt a candidate they don’t like, or help one that they do like, that’s an even bigger win.”

    The Justice Department investigated McCabe for allegedly lying about a media leak, but that case was [dropped]( in 2020, and he settled a lawsuit the following year that restored his full pension.


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  2. And trump has been tapping his little peep on the cheeks of the US justice system making a complete mockery of it while doing putin’s bidding.

  3. The fact that he is currently and has been an obvious asset to Russia since at least 2015 is also significant.

  4. The headline is taken WAY out of context. There are no such questions in the way its being phrasing as.

    The FBI official, nor the intelligence community, thinks he is one. More that he behaves as one without actually being an asset all. Simply that he is easily manipulated into giving out that kind of information, saying the things they want, or acting the way they want.

    But a very large number of people already believe he is easily manipulated… as do I… and it was talked about in the debate last night. Truthfully, while Harris was in-his-face about it I dont think Biden would have done it that clearly.

  5. Just say it – trump would never, ever, be approved for a security clearance if applied for a position that required one.

    We shouldn’t trust him with the combination to a bike lock, yet people want to give him access to every secret the government has.

  6. Don is whichever dictator wants to buy him… Shi and Putin have dipped into the Trump’s family business enough.

  7. … Trump made this claim while fielding questions about his oft repeated claim
    that he could solve the Russia-Ukraine war and which side he’d prefer to be the victor.
    **”I saw Putin after I left,** unfortunately left, because our country has gone to hell,”
    *Trump said.*
    “I’ll speak to one, I’ll speak to the other.”

    While others have raised concerns that Trump violated the Logan Act —
    a federal law that bans private citizens from engaging in unauthorized foreign diplomacy .


  8. Refusal to answer a simple question: Do you want to Ukraine to win the war against Russia? Yes or No? He avoided answering the question for several minutes.

  9. The most alarming one was the face to face discussion he had in Moscow with Putin WITHOUT ANYONE ELSE. What was said during this time?

  10. I’m so tired of the ongoing effort to normalize the Orange asshole.

    He’s so fucking compromised its not even funny. But the MSM feels like they have to treat him with kid gloves.

    Were any normal person to do the things he does, they’d be thrown in jail.

  11. To the surprise of no one… Seriously anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain could tell he’s an asset to Putin…

  12. I cannot wait for a future trial where we see direct evidence of Trump being connected to Russia.

    It’s very obvious to most of us, but it will be nice to see hard evidence.

  13. We never did see transcripts of his meetings with Putin when he was in office. And we never will…

  14. He has NEVER said anything remotely critical about Putin, even when pressed. He’s terrified of him to the marrow.

  15. He was negotiating with the Kremlin all of 2016 for a deal for a trump tower in Moscow. The terms of the deal would be outrageous for anyone to agree to it unless they were getting something really big in return. This was all in the Mueller report.

    Why negotiate with the Kremlin? Why not real estate developers or financiers? Why would you negotiate a private business deal with Dmitry Peskov? What was he offering?

    The private meeting with Putin in Helsinki.

    “Russia if you’re listening, I hope you find Hillary’s emails, you will be mightily rewarded”


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