So what’s the deal with these fellas?

Walking home this afternoon and found two lads walking towards me with pink clubs. All looked like it could turn a bit Clockwork Orange for a while but it turned out that they were juggling to entertain the motorists stopped at a red light. Didn’t even see them asking for donations. As soon as the lights were due to change they bowed and walked back into the pedestrian area. Then back they went again when the light went red.

Has this been a thing that’s been happening regularly? And why?

by TheSidJames

  1. They do ask for donations – they’ll hold out their hat at windows. They also practice out of costume in Ormeau Park on decent days.

  2. Annoying either upper class twats or dole spinners being artists prob think their ultra woke environmentalists and animal activists too..if people wanted to watch them they would not have to stand in front of cars for attention.Anna / Rachael fake nun did similar but these two

  3. 5 points if you hit one, 10 points for both and if they fly higher than the lights you get triple points

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