Vladimir Putin warns Russia will be ‘at war’ with US and NATO if Ukraine given new missiles

Vladimir Putin warns Russia will be ‘at war’ with US and NATO if Ukraine given new missiles

by daily_mirror

  1. That is de-facto and de-jure not true, unless he declares war on NATO, but then game is on.

  2. He already said a 100 times we are at war. ‘Because of nato troops already fighting in Ukraine’. That’s the thing with liars vlad, nobody listens to your bullshit after a while.

  3. Ok, make the first move Putin. Buuut he won’t, pretty sure he knows his forces will be swiped aside like they were nothing. The Russian army doesn’t have the ability to prepare or plan for a war against NATO. Heck, they can’t even deal with the Ukrainians while having one arm tied behind their backs. Maybe now with eased restrictions, Ukraine can end this soon. If Putin goes into any NATO territory, look out. DEFCON level 2 right now.

  4. Let me translate, I’m understand basic Kremlin speak: “I’m afraid of high-rise buildings. Especially their windows.”

  5. With what, and whom, will he fight NATO… It’s all being destroyed by Ukraine, lol

    He opened a big can of worms, and can’t put them back in.

  6. This is the shooting war NATO was made for. The sooner they realize that, the sooner they will bring it to a close

  7. he is afraid of the long-range missiles… but threatens those… who have the most of them… ?!

  8. I’ve lost count of how many times he has said this in the past couple of years. Did anybody manage to keep up?

  9. I think someone slowly suffers from dementia

    I mean when did he make that claim for the first time? I think it was when germany delivered the first helmets

  10. Poor Putler is scared. The west is still some escalation steps behind. We still have to let UA troops use one of their neighbours to invade Russia to be even. Also you have given Belarus some nukes. I think UA can use some also. They have given up thousands of them for their protection anyway.

  11. All i hear is a todler screaming; i want what ukraine has…

    Dude should be in his bunker gnawing on a certain pill…

  12. I want him to do it cause he won’t dare he will lose everything and won’t be able to hide anywhere

  13. You went to war, didn’t turn out as you thought, don’t care about your citizens or your military. I hope. No I pray that someone puts a bullet in your head. Pootin

  14. If Putler didn’t want Ukraine to use long range missiles, maybe he shouldn’t have used long range missiles against Ukraine?

  15. Well, since they’ve done such a terrible job fighting Ukraine. Let’s see how they do when they take on the whole world world war three bitches.

  16. Its already a proxy war. Nothing different to the US supplying Bradleys to missiles so no change to anything other than Ukraine gains a vital tool. Russia is rustling its sabres and we should carry on regardless.

    Shouldnt have got Iran and North Korea involved if they wanted to play this game….

  17. Polish forces will be on the outskirts of Moscow before the rest of the Alliance mobilized. Through Belarus.

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