Biden planning to ease restrictions on Kyiv’s long-range strikes, Politico reports

Biden planning to ease restrictions on Kyiv’s long-range strikes, Politico reports

by Unlikely-Friend-5108

  1. Just do it already. Stop protecting Russia. Stop Putin, now, by force. If that means eliminating, destroying their bomber fleets on the ground, do it, don’t give them a week’s warning to relocate the arms and munitions they’ve been using to murder our friends and allies for the past few years. FFS. While our governments continue to dither and delay, you and I must help by donating right now to help Ukraine’s defenders at [](

  2. Meh, just easing. Meaning there are still restrictions on both targets and range. US is still protecting russia

  3. “Planning to…” what the fuck. Stop hindering Ukraine 🇺🇦 defend themselves. I hope Kamela Harris wins and takes stronger action supporting Ukraine

  4. Planning, contemplating, considering, weighing, … A never-ending stream of stories about nothing actually happening.

  5. As soon as Russia fires one missile from Iran, they’re staring straight down the barrel a gun pointed directly into the face of Russia. Does Putin feel lucky?

  6. Work around political BS. Help Ukraine to build long-range drones. Flying low and fast. All NATO countries have know how and brains to put together a cheap ammunition. Take FAU design and build something similar with modern tech. Something that can be produced at scale. Like Boeing did in WWII, a bomber an hour…

  7. So long overdue. Innocent people are dying do to slow-walking this approval. GIVE PERMISSION ALREADY!!!

  8. “Planning” as in ‘An other bag of nothingness leaves the flapping jaws of spineless politicians’

  9. Planning, thinking, hoping, worried, wondering, concerned. Who would’ve thought we’d have such spineless “leaders” across the world in 2024.

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