Netherlands residents spend nearly €1 billion per year on drugs

Netherlands residents spend nearly €1 billion per year on drugs

by ByGollie

  1. And that’s only for cocaine, speed, and ecstasy. If you include weed/hash and all the other types of (hard) drugs it’ll be a lot more.

  2. How do they differentiate the residents spending from tourists or other foreigners spending in these studies?

  3. Just imagine how much we (Europeans) could subsidize healthcare and treatment of addicts with the taxes of drug sales if you could buy them legally. As a nice side effect, the black market would vanish instantly (except for minors).

  4. I’m always sceptical of these numbers, because they’ve invariably based on analysis of sewage water.

    For example, figures invariably show that Antwerp sewer water contains (some of) the highest trace amounts of drugs in Europe. Rotterdam these values are also incredibly high.

    But both Rotterdam and Antwerp are very important port cities, much of the illegal drugs entering the European market go through these ports. Invariably there’ll be some spillage/wastage when drugs are processed and cut at or near the port. Given they’re importing tonnes, rather than kilos, I can’t help but think that’d distort the data.

  5. I’m Dutch and I just love the colours that these lights produce, I mean it’s so beautiful. You’re all one of my best friends, my best even, I love you.

  6. Then there’s my country that cant see the potential in decriminalizing and regulating like weed and shrooms for easy tax money and would rather keep everything illegal because drugs = bad. SMH

  7. Around 17 million people living in NL… if you take minors out of the ecuation, that’s still less than 100 eu per person, not really a lot of money…

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