So he isn’t crazy after all?

So he isn’t crazy after all?

Posted by beRedditing

  1. My God, what a monster. First you sauté the garlic and then you add the cat. Everybody knows that!

  2. Cat a l’orange! Delicious!

    I prefer mine without the fur though, but I also don’t like Tabby Tartare soo.. I guess you just have to grow up eating it to really enjoy it.

  3. She’s mixed Indian and Jamaican so I’d fucking *murder* to get a seat at her dinner table.

    Even if she did serve cat – which she wouldn’t – it’d be lovely and spiced. Not just smeared in tomato sauce with a diet coke like that toddler Trump is used to.

  4. I feel like her cat just got up there and got comfy and they just took advantage of the situation lol. It’s nice to have someone running for office who actually has a sense of humor! 😻

  5. I don’t know if the campaign did this or if it was just done by somebody else. However, it really demonstrates the comedic talent in on the blue side. The red side doesn’t have any game.

  6. Are those leeks???? Don’t tell MAGidiots or it’ll be Dijon mustard and arugula conspiracies all over again.

  7. Wait is this actually real? Is she really pinnacle level trolling? I can only vote for her so hard!

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