ICJ refuses SA request to delay date to submit evidence of alleged genocide in Gaza

ICJ refuses SA request to delay date to submit evidence of alleged genocide in Gaza


Posted by AtroScolo

  1. It’s quite odd if you google this headline the only news sites that are reporting on it are right wing Israeli sites. Jpost, JNS, Jerusalem Post. Nothing from Haaretz which is really the only Israeli publication I would trust at all. If you click the link provided it takes you to JerusalemPost site with 1 line of text that is basically the headline. I would take this with a grain of salt until reputable sources pick it up

  2. ICJ: “Do you have evidence to support your accusations of genocide?”

    South Africa: “I have concepts of evidence.”

    God, what a fucking joke. South Africa should spend less time being Putin’s bitch and more time fixed their failed state of a country.

  3. The journalist that published the story is the KAN (Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation) legal reporter, so his source is probably from the Israeli ad hoc judge.
    But even if the story is true, unless someone from the SA team confirm this.
    I will also not be surprise if this is a ruse from the Israeli team.

  4. I googled this and literally did not find anything but a tweet and jpost.

    Are you seriously telling me no one picked up this news? Hasbara has fallen y’all.

  5. This feels like bad hasbara considering no one but shit Zionist rags have reported on it, and the reporting is incredibly spotty.

    Also very funny that some of the usual hasbara-trolling subjects show up like clockwork here in this thread. Some of you are very obvious, and it’s kinda sad.

  6. So, they lied about South Africa requesting a delay and are now lying about this refusal by the ICJ is the only conclusion possible here

    They had no proof of the initial claim. And they show no proof of this claim. Who could have guessed that…

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