Putin: Aufhebung der Raketenbeschränkungen für die Ukraine würde die Nato in einen „Krieg“ mit Russland führen

Putin: Aufhebung der Raketenbeschränkungen für die Ukraine würde die Nato in einen „Krieg“ mit Russland führen


  1. No, not really. RU is importing weapons from Iran and the DPRK at a minimum to use on Ukraine. War is war, and Ukraine needs to do what it has to do.

  2. I have a vision of the future where Putin is found cowering in a hole in the ground like Saddam and then hanged in public by his own people. How long before they’ve had enough?

  3. Mf, we already are at war. You’ve repeatedly assaulted our electoral and media institutions, with misinformation and cyber warfare. The Kremlin needs to be utterly incinerated.

  4. Horseshit.

    They’re both importing weapons; if he was “at war” with NATO you would see all of his “air defenses”  evaporate mysteriously and in fairly rapid fashion.

  5. Really? If NATO attacks what? The same?

    But to play the same game, Russians arming US adversaries and paying bounties on the heads of the US soldiers was what?

  6. Russia is at war with NATO, though everyone is pretending it’s not happening. Do you know how much financial, material, human, and reputational damage has been caused directly by Russian government hackers? Saying it’s estimated in the billions of dollars is even an understatement.

  7. NATO: Your terms are accepted. Introducing your home team opening lineup….The US 82nd Airborne! Canada’s JTF 2! The UK’s SAS!!…

  8. Russia could never win a war where everyone played by their rules, importing cruise missiles from Iran and North Korea (lol) while crying about Ukraine getting a couple artillery shells. Putin is the laughingstock of the world.

  9. Meaning North Korea, Iran, Belarus, China, and Russia (still not declared) are at war with Ukraine?

    What if we call them “special military deliveries”?

    *sigh* If you wanna fuck around…your call.

  10. He’s struggling to invade a single neighboring country with a modest military; how does he think he would fare against the strongest military forces in the world?

  11. Russia has been at war with NATO for years. Countless cyber attacks, arson, sabotage, assassinations, highly organized disinformation campaigns aimed at dividing us and sowing hatred, GPS jamming of commercial flights, and the list goes on and on and on. . .

    Just give Ukraine everything we have at this point and let them go nuts.

  12. Ok, so we are. *What is he going to do about it?*

    Nuclear escalation is suicide, and conventional escalation would result in Russia getting its ass curb stomped.

    Putin will watch Ukraine launch Western cruise missiles into his own home soil, and he do nothing about it. He has no cards to play that leave him in a better position after.

  13. Why should any Nato country fear Russia? They’ve shown consistently that their armed forces are subpar, even to a nation the size of Ukraine.

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