Graham Begs Trump To Dump “Toxic” Laura Loomer, Loomer Responds By Calling Graham “Closeted Gay”

Graham Begs Trump To Dump “Toxic” Laura Loomer, Loomer Responds By Calling Graham “Closeted Gay”

Graham Begs Trump To Dump “Toxic” Laura Loomer, Loomer Responds By Calling Graham “Closeted Gay”

Posted by wonderingsocrates

  1. Oh look. A woman scorned.

    This might become very interesting.


  2. Don’t worry, she might have something on him, like Trump did, and he’ll end up being her weaselly little sycophant too.

  3. I thought Ladybugs Lindsay was out.

    Anyway it’s great to see Maga tear into itself.

    I’ll bet Laura’s just mad that Tim Pool was getting ten times what she’s on.

  4. I really don’t like it when Loomer says something I agree with. Time for a two hour cold shower with a wire brush…

  5. Well she ain’t wrong. And poor old Tim Scott went and got married trying to to be Trump’s VP.

  6. Here we go. This is gonna be fun. They are all going to look like the idiots they are, and sadly, won’t lose any votes.

  7. The leopards are now eating each-others faces.

    and even though i disdain animal cruelty…..I’m here for it.

  8. The debate “fluffer” with the toxic mouth.

    I can totally see Trump sticking his dick in that.

  9. You can’t write this shit if it was fiction no one would believe it. Let the Grand Old Party Implode and pass the popcorn.

  10. Self hating queers are sad but self hating queers that are in a party that doesn’t want them to exist is another level of fucked up.

  11. Incredible to see. trump did so badly at the debate that MAGA is imploding. You love to see it.

  12. As much as I loathe that nazi windbag Loomer, she has a valid point about Graham…. And I know that is a terrible association for the gay community so I apologize

  13. Republican should have listened to Lady G when she warned them that if they elect Trump, they will get destroyed and they will deserve it…

    They didn’t listen…

  14. As one of the many principled conservatives left homeless by the hostile takeover of the GOP I find myself repeatedly thinking it can’t get any worse only to be proved wrong again.

    There are reasonable, principled Republican approaches to most of these big political issues we’re facing right now, but we’re not seeing them from the GOP for the most part. They’re conceding the moral high ground and they don’t seem to care and focusing on the worst and most regressive side of conservative nature, pure hate and fear politics. I can’t stand it.

    At this point a new Neoconservative third party might have a chance of rivaling what’s left of the GOP, if it can speak to Conservative principles without giving way to the demagoguery and racism that’s come to define the American right in the last couple decades.

    Ending the unholy alliance with the pro-ignorance evangelical wing might be required as well, leave them to squeak in the woods where nobody cares like it used to be for them and try to get back to the politics of comprimise and the virtues of mutual respect.

  15. If Lindsay Graham was born in Thailand he’s be a performing ladyboy that gives handies for extra spending money.

    I keep waiting for one of his jilted male lovers to spill the beans in a spectacular way.

  16. Between this and her spat with MTG, it’s clear Loomer has forgotten the Republicans’ Eleveth Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

    Let them fight.

  17. Lindsey isn’t gay but rather in the parlance of a southerner, he is a, “confirmed bachelor.” Have some manners you ruffians.

  18. The Dems have a bench of adults, who were able to perform an intervention, and get Biden to step down. The GOP is only users and enablers, and there is no one in Orange’s business or personal circle that can get him to address his mental health. He’s only going to degenerate in a world that allows any and all oddity with him.

    Meanwhile, in the real world, what was the Republican party is a hollow shell. There are no adults to have an intervention with Orange for the good of the Party. The RNC is now just another grift to pay his endless legal fees and for his family to get “consultancy” pay. There won’t be a new candidate, or any change.

    We may expect him to lose. There will be an effort at installation via the Supreme Court or by ratfucking the EC. He won’t get better over time.

    The remaining old school GOP will turn on him in a New York Second as soon as he appears weak, and the process has just begun…..the debate was a true turning point, finally. Laura pointing out Lady G might be a committed bachelor is low hanging fruit.

    It’s gonna get UGLY on that side of the Aisle. I have popcorn going.

  19. This country is so deeply screwed if these people win in November. It’s been said a lot, and many of us here are aware of the fact… but it’s as if every day it’s worth repeating how screwed this nation will be if these folks gain power. This is for real.

    It’s not an exaggeration to say this is the biggest threat we have faced since the Civil War. “The South Will Rise Again,” they love to proclaim. Well what we see today is them, albeit in a mutated form of the Old South, making a very real and direct attempt at it.

  20. Trump doesn’t value talent or even ability, he values blind loyalty and sycophants that boost his fragile ego. That’s why he has people like Loomer around him

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