How oligarch’s could bring Putin’s war to an end

How oligarch’s could bring Putin’s war to an end

“The Kursk offensive, and perhaps some of these sanctions, are making Russia’s elites think again about the longevity of this war.”

Putin has faced criticism from within Russia as the Kremlin continues to battle to stop drops in the value of the Ruble following a new sanctions regime and the Kursk incursion, Economist Tim Ash tells Frontline on #timesradio

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  1. Talk about sanctions when Gazprom supplies many countries in the EU with most of their gas!? Germany 90% Austria 80% etc…..Gazprom owns 30% of North Sea Gas under a different name! All smoke and mirrors. Where does Putin get so much cash from? Supporting corrupt African dictators and splitting the profits from mineral mining whilst supplying protection to keep them in power. Why did he invade Ukraine? Lithium.

  2. The Yuan is being propped up by the CCP too, yet its the Yuan that is stepping in to help the Ruble. This can't end well for either currency, its like watching a non swimmer trying to save a drowning person…

  3. " Vested interests" opposing using sovereign wealth funds to fund Ukraine can be found in the UN and a body of international law. What one war allows all subsequent conflicts will use as a precedent. Taking spoils of war and using war as a pretext to steal wealth from the other side is against the Geneva conventions. You can't simultaneously wage war against Putin's violation of Ukraine sovereignty as recognized by the UN and then violate some of the UN's core principles. If you do, then Putin has the more rational argument that Ukraine was never truly an independent state – not since Ivan the Terrible and again since Catherine the Great – and really is a break away region that stole it's existence from Russia. The winning side, if any, has to have some consistent legal grounding for it's actions. Otherwise you can just count on a never ending conflict that never finds an act of true justice to rest upon. Whoever the winner of the conflict – Ukraine will find itself up to its eyeballs in debt to foreign backers. A "patriotic" sentiment is very expensive to maintain these days.

    That is also the core problem with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Israel has for decades been ignoring the more expensive demands of a just peace.. They have always insisted on keeping whatever territories they occupy or confiscate without recompense to the opposing side's survivors.
    They cite international law when and how it suits them. And the Palestinians – even rock throwing teenagers can be labeled "militants" because the Palestinians are not permitted to fight back. They can only legally use international tribunals and those can always be double talked or even ignored by both the USA and Israel. They both tend to dominate the issue.

  4. If "Money, MONey, MONEY!" was not prioritized over principle, the $330 billion of Russian assets in western banks would have already been transferred to Ukraine.
    Some argue that if the west sets a precedent by taking a country's assets, other countries will avoid using western banks for fear of the same. SO? In principle, there are some countries which are sufficiently egregious that we SHOULDN'T have them among our ranks and benefitting from our system of banking, finance, investment. Like Russia, the money laundering and other criminal activities are an integral part of their enterprise.

  5. LOL, how long have we been hearing this garbage? Yet its the UK and EU whos economies are collapsing and Russias is growing out of control.

  6. Can we have Bush back? We need someone with the common sense of realizing that if you are not with us, you are against us. That applies to all the countries from the axis of evil. The Russian, Chinese and Iranian billionaires are still partying in the west and enjoying western universities on the cheap. They don’t care about the war and never will unless you actually hurt them.

  7. The fact of the matter is that Russia only represents 2% of total Chinese trade while the other 98% is the rest of the world, especially USA and the EU. This places a limit on Putin's much touted and perhaps self-reassuring "unlimited" friendship with China. Putin appears to not understand that, while he is all about political ambitions and conquest, for the Chinese Communist Party there are only three priorities: the economy, the economy and the economy.

  8. Oligarchs spent last 30 years moving ‘profits’ out of Russia and the Ruble. As ever it will be the ordinary and Elderly that suffer- in fact for the oligarchs life in Russia is getting cheaper- same model of all elites in developing countries

  9. The oil industry and the power plant – electric grid of Russia is also deteriorating by lack of maintenance of critical processes, machines and advanced technological tools that Western companies were maintaining before quitting Russia. Also some of them plus many oil products tanks were burnt recently.

  10. Chinese had always big problems with the so-called Communist Party of USSR since arund 1919- 1920 meddling in their own interests . That was Germany who helped China military before the war against Japan in the 30's . USSR leaders wanted the Chinese Communist Party to ally and support with the Kuomintang and so on…

  11. But will they? (will the oligarchs step up? Only if their olly wealth is truly under threat? or the lives of their families under threat by Putin and co?

  12. All we have to do is get Ukraine to send a bill to Putin for the damage done. When they enviably don't pay up we have good grounding for taking the money and giving it to Ukraine. That's what happens when we normal people don't pay our bills, a debt collector recovers what they can however they can.

  13. I think the Oligarchs would prefer Putin is in the field with his units, so his orders are followed. Let's face it, Putin is the most intelligent man in Russia, and his Generals are not following his directions. If Putin really wants to win this war, he will take over command of the best unit and personally lead them to victory. Yes, Putin needs to be in the field with his soldiers, so he can control things as they happen. At this time, Putin appears to be an Arm-Chair commander. Basically, Putin is hearing what is happening instead of being in the field to see things as it happens. Putin and Sinwar have a lot in common.

  14. By januay the war in ukraine will be over pres. Trump said he will mediate a peace talk bet. Zelensky and putler and that’s the best thing to happen.

  15. Putin war has cause Russian about $2 Trillions economic downfall, in trade, export, import, embargo, sanctions, & economic investments.
    Putin gamble in Ukraine is not only murderous but economic disaster for all Russian.

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