Eine Navy-SEAL-Einheit, die Osama bin Laden getötet hat, bereitet sich Berichten zufolge auf eine mögliche chinesische Invasion Taiwans vor

Eine Navy-SEAL-Einheit, die Osama bin Laden getötet hat, bereitet sich Berichten zufolge auf eine mögliche chinesische Invasion Taiwans vor


  1. Is that the new ASML TwinScan NXE ultra-Deep-UV photolithography machine they’re emplacing?

  2. The US military has been preparing for a Taiwan invasion for at least the last 10 years and they are convinced it will happen by 2030, so I guess we’ll see – it’s really China’s move.

  3. Seems like we’d need a whole lot more than seal team 6 if the world’s second largest military attacked one of our key allies.

    Edit: as many people have pointed out it’s likely to destroy chip factories so they don’t get into the hands of the PRC. Which makes sense. I would think,though, that we’d probably be obliged to defend taiwan, but maybe not.

  4. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would be hell. There is a pretty significant open water distance between the two. China doesn’t have the most capable navy and Taiwan is fortified. It will be like the modern day version of the storming of Normandy beach, except the intel won’t be missing.

    It would be a difficult and drawn out operation with huge losses for both sides.

  5. China isn’t doing shit. Their economy is on the brink of collapse with significant disasterous issues in multiple areas. Their trade surpluses are shrinking every year. They saw what global sanctions did to the Russian economy. The CCP needs global stability now more than ever. They want Taiwan, but they can’t afford to put everything on the line for a complicated war that requires them to travel 100 miles over water to even hit ground. Think of what Ukrainian drones did to the Russian navy… now imagine Chinese warships and supply lines crossing open ocean and what Taiwan could do to them.

  6. That’s crazy special forces units are training. I thought they’d just been chilling and playing topless volley ball the past 10 years.

  7. It’s not simply about the foundries. Both sides have been posturing at this for quite a long time, with US military personally already stationed near China. I would imagine at this point it’s just as much about pride, and extending local influence. Espionage/research into chip manufacturing would be way cheaper then starting a costly war for China. 

  8. Nothing to see here. US military trains for most eventualities with Taiwan being one of the most obvious.

  9. Does anybody have a realistic scenario on what will happen if China invade Taiwan? What’s the United States’ response?

  10. I think the invasion is stalled for a while. They were counting on Russia selling Ukrainian grain to them cheap. They don’t make enough domestically to keep up with demand. They will need a lot more than cheap gas once the world shuts them out.

  11. This is what the military does, they are also planning for war with Russia, NK, Iran etc ..it’s literally what they do

  12. my bet is china’s plan is to invade taiwan while America is locked in an election legal feud after the November elections.

  13. Sigh…age old debate. Only time this will happen is if Taiwan sets up a NATO FOB. Other than that, China can end exports to Taiwan, within 2 weeks, lights out. I’m Taiwanese…and people don’t realize how much we depend on our counterpart. And a majority of people in Taiwan don’t hate China as much as y’all think. Mostly younger people who’s studied abroad, which is no surprise. I love my motherland, I hope the world doesn’t play us like a pawn.

  14. While vaguely interesting, I fail to see why this is newsworthy.

    Navy SEALs fight in extremely small units, to take out precise objectives, like, say, clandestinely killing a terrorist on foreign soil.

    If China invaded Taiwan, special forces aren’t going to be a deciding factor. It would be an all out conflagration.

    Special forces made a lot of sense in the war on terror. And they still play an important role in conventional wars.

    But Taiwan would be a meat grinder. Navy SEALs aren’t going to take out a Chinese aircraft carrier. They’re not going to destroy an armored division.

    The scale at which that war would be fought, could easily drift into hundreds of thousands, even millions of casualties. In a conflict of that magnitude, a few operators are unlikely to make a difference, no matter how good they are.

  15. Time to start keeping an eye on DOD facilities on the coast like they did when word of the May mission got out last time.

    Harvey Point was a dead giveaway last time.

  16. Osama was killed in 2011. 13 years ago. No one in that unit is still there. Those two statements have no related. It should just read “army is preparing for war” but that doesn’t drive clicks

  17. a US navy seal unit’s job is to be ready for any potential order.

    Just like the UK’s green berets, and the French Navy Commando’s.

    None of these groups work with tanks, so “bussinessinsider goes way outside knowledge” by posting a tank here in t his realm.

    The general consenscus of UK, France and USA is that China does not have a territorial frontier with Taiwan, so Tanks are stupid…

  18. BREAKING NEWS: A special forces unit is training and preparing for the same hypothetical invasion of the last 30 years!

  19. All this when we just needed to give them the bomb, Israel style. Or North Korea style if you prefer. Same for Ukraine. Rich people are scared shitless of nukes, they will never be used.

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