US tanks weren’t ready for Russian attacks. Ukraine has a fix

US tanks weren’t ready for Russian attacks. Ukraine has a fix

by thehill

  1. The American-made M1 Abrams is considered one of the world’s premier tanks, yet has still proven vulnerable to Russian drones and explosives on the battlefield in Ukraine, which had sidelined the armored behemoth. 

    But Ukraine has now improved the Abrams, better protecting it through a relatively simple method: steel cages wrapped around the frame.  


  2. Ukrainian ingenuity continues to impress me. They always seem to find a fix for the mechanical and technical.

  3. And for those of you wondering, the difference between this and the cope cages Russians built in 2022 was they were trying to stop missiles from penetrating the top turret armor.

  4. To be entirely fair to the US tanks, these are export variants, so they’re far more prone to breakage and less protection then standard US army fare

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