Europe’s far-right parties are anti-worker – the evidence clearly proves it

Europe’s far-right parties are anti-worker – the evidence clearly proves it

by CressCrowbits

  1. All right-wing parties, whether centre or far, are anti-worker, and only serve multimillionaires and billionaires. Liberals and conservatives/nationalists are united on their fight to destroy the middle class and turn us all into the serfsof shareholders, rentiers and “investors”.

  2. >Despite the popularity of this narrative, including among social democratic elites in Europe, workers have not flocked to far-right parties, but rather to the mainstream right and the Greens.

    That was completely different in the last elections in eastern Germany.

    “At 49 per cent, the AfD performs particularly well among workers. In comparison, the CDU comes in at 15 per cent. All other parties remain below ten per cent. The AfD is also ahead of the CDU among white-collar workers with 33 per cent and 23 per cent respectively. The Left Party is in third place here with 14 per cent.”

  3. Yeap they are anti humans right, anti workers rights and pro privatisation of health servicesss

  4. Right is close to capitalism (at least some forms) and exploiting people in difficulty.

    Antiworker, but not antiwork, sigh

  5. I mean that would sound a little better if the left weren’t so intent of degrading labour bargaining power by importing so many low skilled workers, destroying working class culture and demonising anyone who questioned it.

    It a TOTTAL mystery why the far right is ascending.

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