Trump’s ‘idiotic moment” has turned him into an international ‘laughing stock

Trump’s ‘idiotic moment” has turned him into an international ‘laughing stock

Posted by chad2bert

  1. The Republican party is reaping the rewards of what they abandoned.

    They wanted to be led around and groomed to disbelieve so so much.

    They want to decry fake news when shown a clip of an insurrection.

    They dont care they were lied to for so long about voting.

    They dont care that this person is involved with Epstein it seems.

    They dont care he did nothing while people hunted his Vice President.

    They dont care about the attacks on journalists.

    They dont care he wouldnt say if hed sign a nation abortion ban or not.

    They dont care if his financial focus is to elitests.

    They dont care if his kids got 2 billion dollars from the Saudis (or the other abhorrent alleged schemes)

    They dont care he threatens republicans for votes.

    They dont care he was impeached.

    They dont care hes a convict.

    They dont care to ask for better. As the planet witnesses grandpa telling abhorrent rhetoric about people. He chose to do that. Thats what your choosing to make more valid. Over decency. Focus. levity. Educated leaders. Hypocrisy.

    All IMO.

  2. Trump has been an international laughing stock since we were forced to pay attention to him as president, and, for many, decades before that.

    He has not stopped being an international laughing stock in the meantime and won’t stop being in the future.

    The difference is is that he has also shown that U.S politics is a laughing stock, it’s laws are a laughing stock, it’s courts are a laughing stock, it’s constitutional clauses are a laughing stock, it’s oaths and promises are a laughing stock, it’s justice system is a laughing stock, it’s systems are a laughing stock, it’s ‘checks and balances’ are a laughing stock, it’s media is a laughing stock, and all it’s propaganda, is a great, big, broken, defunct, useless, laughing stock.

    Let’s hope its People don’t become one.

  3. I can safely say that out of all Europeans I know he is universally loathed and ridiculed by the wast majority. I know 2 trumpers that thinks he’s good/great, some are indifferent but most people over here sees him as a shitstain that hopefully soon will be put on the garbage pile of history.

    It says alot that the only head of state in Europe he has good relations with is Hungarys Orban, another autocratic doucebag.

    I can’t fathom how nearly 40% of americans can consider voting for that clown/rapist/conman/grifter/traitor/senile senior citizen.

  4. “I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… I’m smart and I want respect!”

  5. His entire first term, my Chinese in-laws were asking my wife how we Americans could have elected someone so obviously ignorant and foolish. It was quite embarrassing.

  6. He always has been , I have traveled overseas and people asked me with surprise how in hell he got elected……..

  7. I spent 4 years in Germany when he was elected president. I can tell you with absolute certainty, he was already an international laughing stoxk

  8. It was the weak “but I saw it on TV” response that will ensure no foreign leader will ever take him seriously.

  9. Waddlin Donnie Dingus has been a laughingstock for decades. He’s always been a disgusting, crass buffoon. His gassy “billionaire” routine has always been a moronic sham, and everyone who enabled it are no more than stooges , rubes, easy marks. He’s nothing more than a carny barker, presiding over rigged games, and lying through his teeth. His eventual demise will be cause for great celebration and mirth. The day the backhoe plops the last gob of mud on his gaudy gravesite will be one of the happiest days in US history.

  10. The thing to remember is that no one has ever “liked” Trump. Some people envied his wealth (or at least the projection of said) and some people tolerated him because of their business connections.

    And he LOVED that people had to pay attention to him, he got off on people having to deal with him.

    But no one has ever liked him. And now they’re seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. They’re excited that they might not longer have to pretend that he matters.

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