I refuse to believe

I refuse to believe

by Sufficient-Lake-649

  1. Pedro discovered that he’s closer to Pierre than to Pedro. A minute of silence. 😔

    That’s what happens when you let Napoleon’s troops enter your country…

  2. Hey how come we share so much DNA with Spain but the Dutch don’t? 🤔 Curious.

    I wonder what happened.

  3. That’s why we love visiting every year. Practically cousins… Uno Beero, por fa vor, Manuel, grassy ass!

  4. ¿Somos hermanitos?! Porque no me dijiste Pedro?!

    Espérame en tu balcón, llego con mil Stellas

  5. I thought the Irish would be closer to the Spics of Spain, beacause of the Milesians. But it seems Barry is more Spanish than the Irish.

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