Rapid loss of Antarctic ice after 2100 likely under current emissions, climate scientists find. “The results show that beyond 2100, the long-term impact for the regions most susceptible to sea-level rise becomes amplified.”

Rapid loss of Antarctic ice after 2100 likely under current emissions, climate scientists find. “The results show that beyond 2100, the long-term impact for the regions most susceptible to sea-level rise becomes amplified.”


by The_Weekend_Baker

  1. Right, we have doomed the next few dozen generations to lives of terrible struggle. They will never forgive us, but I hope they survive at all…

  2. I remember reading scientists were working on a way to add more ice with some water pumps creating new ice, dont know if that will be enough, but hell at least its something being worked on, at this point we gotta take what we can

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