Attacking the Hand That Feeds with Partisan Rhetoric

Attacking the Hand That Feeds with Partisan Rhetoric

Posted by rosymelanie


    **Phase 1:** Keep the masses ignorant, and convince them that their problems are the fault of the socialist commie leftists.

    **Phase 2:** ?

    **Phase 3:** Get re-elected… over and over and over…

  2. As long as they can scream “SQUIRREL!” without their voters actually look for those squirrels, they’ll keep on being the biggest carpetbaggers since the Civil War.

  3. Easy. The goal of Socialism is to ensure all people have their basic fundamental needs met. The goal of the GOP is to shovel as much of the nation’s wealth into the accounts of their masters. Providing basic services for citizens reduces the potential grift. Wby steal only 50% when you could steal 90%?

  4. They’ve always been like that.

    It’s like all the oil men who got rich off the government buying it all up for the war effort.

  5. Socialism isn’t a system of taxation and distribution? It’s the ownership of the means of production by the people working in it?

    That’s my guess at least. They want a system where wealth is guaranteed to have a disproportionate advantage, but also want a minimum quality of life, and are willing to have other people pay for that.

  6. I am a former resident of Louisville, the largest population and highest GDP city in KY. McConnell is a fucking menace he drained this state for his billionnaire handlers.

  7. Is this one of those gifs of Mitch where he’s frozen for a minute or two?

    But the GQP has a problem with Biden being too old.

  8. Socialism isn’t “government does thing”, it’s workers controlling the means of production.

  9. Socialism is the public citizens owning the means of production. It doesn’t mean federal governments funding state programs. That’s just how federated governments work. I get the irony here, but it’s clear that neither side knows what socialism is.

  10. GOP lies to their base about why they do what they do. Their donors want tax cuts and convince them to vote against their own self interest.

  11. Simple, Republicans want all the benefits but none of the cost. This sounds good until you realize it isn’t possible and only the super wealthy get to enjoy it.

  12. If I remember correctly, Kentucky takes the most in federal funding in government assistance programs than it pays back in taxes. Additionally, I think many republicans lead states are like this whereas democratic lead states are the inverse (ex. New York state)

    All while Kentucky, being the worst offender, is trying to found a necrocracy with Mitch at the head.

  13. It’s time to enact a retroactive sanctions against the Southern States that escaped the full effects of the Reconstruction efforts. First thing is to withdraw their statehoods and redistribute wealth so there are no more Ultra Wealthy Elites.

  14. 1. Taxes must be kept low for rich people

    2. Therefore any government programs that do not directly benefit the wealthy are to be demonized.

    Result: Republicans.

  15. The fossil fuel industry past the $7 trillion dollar mark in federal subsidies for us to have the privilege to be price gouged and our environment polluted.

  16. Because they think if funding is cut it won’t affect the white people, so they will be ok. Unfortunately there is evidence to support this, during the height of Covid the majority of people receiving monetary assistance from southern states were white even though people of color were, for the most part, were in the direst of conditions

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