Putin’s war in Ukraine will end in 2025

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  1. In the US, a fellow who has been convicted of domestic violence is prohibited from having firearms. The same rule could apply to Putin without harming anyone who matters.

  2. NO. NO!!
    Ukraine will be part of neto!
    No proposal.

    Keep going. He is falling, lost.
    Ukraine gets and signed aliment with NETO.

    He, Putin is asking for a brake to reinforce. Now he is weak down.
    N. O! . N. O!

  3. Who is this delusional guy? The war will end on Russia’s terms. That’s what happens. Winners dictate the terms. Losers accept the terms. Ukraine, if it still exists, will never be in NATO.

  4. It's remarkable how many people, in the comments section, are accusing the speaker of lying, and spreading propaganda on his assessment of puTin's credibility, and some of other countries such as Turkey — But, they don't give any example of what he's lying about…!? On the other hand, everything he stated is true — his opinion is based on facts.

  5. Ukraine is being used ruthlessly as a proxy by the US to conduct a war against Russia to weaken Russia, create social unrest in Russia, to topple Russian government, split Russia up into vassel states and steal their resources. Then they want to move on to China and do the same using Taiwan as the reason and Phillipines as the provocateur.
    Russia and China had aspirations of the entire kand mass from the Atlantic to the Pacific being a rail connected block of trade and development cooperation.
    The US has a polucy of unipolar world with their elites being sole benefactor as a group.
    To imagine what the world would look like under US dominstion look at the domestic situation in the US. The US is dysfunctional and headed to becoming a failed state ss the neoliberal ideology they have forced on the rest of the world and themselves has reduced the capacity of governments to provide basic services, allowing private players to cannabolise governments through privatizarions with no accountability.
    Much of the world has witnessed this horrendous failure of governance and wish to avoid it by developing their domestic sovereignty, which is a threat to colonial powers that want to continue extracting tribute through trsde agreements and financial arrangements from countries that are stuggling to meet their own needs.
    Russia and China are smart enough to understand that greater benefits vome from peace, mutual cooperation, and cultural exchanges, and legitimate trsde.

  6. The special operation has proved how Russia has let a lotvof things go. Inferior equipment and maintenance. No spare parts. Old military leaders who got lazy with their corruption. Putin is not as smart and capable as he pretended he was. This was a disaster and made him look very foolish.

  7. I hate to say it, but just prior to the war, had NATO put troops on the ground, and made sure that the media and Russians knew this then Putin would have certainly thought twice.

    Yes it’s putting troops in harms way, but sometimes troops can act as a deterrent to aggression

  8. How do you measure success or failure in this war? 1. Look at who has more influence in the richest continent on earth. 2. Ask yourself if US imposed sanctions on any country will still be painful. 3. Will we have a unipolar or multipolar world after the conflict? 4. Have the global power dynamics shifted? If yes, then Russia has succeeded. Reducing this to a mere territorial dispute is s very simplistic way of analysing the issue.

  9. A humiliating failure was Britains leadership in setting up Israel, Iran and Jordan and allowing them to be pitted against each other from DAY 1. So if British advice falls on deaf ears, eh, there's a reason.

  10. There are two European countries were established by Asians, Hungary and Turkey. Turks were from Central Asia, Mehmet II, Turkey ruled Greece for 400 years.

  11. The USA and its many allies couldn't defeat Taliban in 20 years.

    In Afghanistan war, the Afghanistan government army which backed by the USA lost 70,000 soldiers and Taliban lost 50,000 soldiers.

  12. What is Putin's reasoning for invading Ukraine? And was it worth it? In Russia, woman are not having enough children to sustain the population. Russia's population has been dropping since Putin took power in 1999. Family's just do not feel safe bringing children into Putin's Fascist society. Also Russa has no real exports other than oil and it's economy is dependent on the oil exports. However that's likely to disappear as the world adapts to climate change.

    The invasion has 2 purposes. One, steal babies, almost 20,000, and Putin has taken steps making returning them to Ukraine difficult. Two, Ukraine is extremely rich in rare earth metals. Think lithium for car batteries (10 to 15 percent of the worlds total). Approxment value 20 trillion dollars. Probably higher. 

    Russian casualties, approximately 200,000 dead and 250,000 injured. US and British intelligence numbers are higher. EU states are increasing their defenses against Russia. NATO is getting stronger and more coordinated and the deficiency of the Russian army on full display for the world to see.

  13. Anyone with half a brain knows this is NATO’s war led by the US Mafia State, if you believe any different your either a Biden propagandist or very seriously uninformed. The war will end when Russia says it will.

  14. Russia could not do all that this war monger portrays,even if they wanted to. With an economy about the size of Texas, it is not theoretically possible.
    The war mongers know this but their interests are more obscure.
    Every new NATO country needs to re-arm, with NATO standard weapons, making billions for the US arms industry and bringing those countries under the US boot. The New World Order will not be denied.
    Germany's Angela Merkel admitted that the Minsk peace agreement of 2014 was only a ploy and that they never intended to keep the agreement with Russia. The terms of the Minsk agreement were not implemented by Ukraine. Do your own research vs listening to bloviating warmongers like this dishonest man.

  15. British chronicle suffer from Rusofobia for 200 years. Any European country listening to British opinion is automatically in problem. Britain is biggest European enemy.This guy is typical example of how to gaslight.

  16. A failure for NATO and acfailure for all those lives lost .
    Boris cancelled the piece agreement and caused the deaths of milions of people .
    Total discrace
    Trump will get this sorted as soon as he is in power .

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