Interest on US debt exceeds $1 trillion for the first time

Interest on US debt exceeds $1 trillion for the first time

by wakeup2019

  1. Once again, it’s fine folks.

    1. We owe most of it to ourselves.
    2. What we don’t owe to ourselves could easily be paid off by collecting the $688b/yr in unpaid taxes from the 1%.
    3. We could pay that off even fast if we repealed the Bush/Trump tax cuts for the 1%, *even if we let everyone else keep their tax cuts*
    4. We could pay it off ***even faster still*** if we took the savings from a Universal Healthcare program and used them to pay off the debt
    5. and finally… WE DON’T WANT TO PAY IT OFF. Keeping other nations tied up in our bond market makes the US dollar stronger internationally and lets us buy cheap imports, effectively turning the rest of the world into a low cost factory for American consumers.

    Find something else to worry about because our national debt ain’t it.

  2. Friendly reminder that no civilization in history has been about to manage its debt problem long term

  3. Sell 1% of the federal land and pay for it. Let’s stop pretending we can’t pay it down by getting creative.

  4. Let us all feel fear in the face of large figures, after being conditioned by four decades of reactionary programming, about “spiraling debt” and “unsustainable spending”.

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