Granddaughter of Mussolini to leave Brothers of Italy as it is ‘too rightwing’

Granddaughter of Mussolini to leave Brothers of Italy as it is ‘too rightwing’

by SwagMazzini

  1. If I would be a billionaire I would fund her a party, just for the memes it would be worth it!

  2. The combination of refined taste, history, style and design and flat populism united in one country continues to amaze me.

  3. I kinda appreciate Antonio Tajani of FI, he “seems” a good political leader despite I don’t really trust politicians in Italy. Hopefully he is able to control those fascistelli da quattro soldi.

  4. This article doesn’t give the context of what’s happening here. In the past year there’s been some tension raising in the government coalition between Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia that used to be Berlusconi’s party. Berlusconi always pictured himself as a liberal and a moderate while Meloni’s party is a pure right-wing party. Now the family of Berlusconi which is still powerful started to antagonize Meloni, the breaking point was a series of services on Berlusconi’s television that revealed the inappropriate behavior of Meloni’s partner that eventually lead to their break up. Since then Berlusconi’s family started showing public displease with some government policies and stances on key topics like LGBT couples and citizenship of immigrants children. The news of a Mussolini switching side and joining Forza Italia shouldn’t surprise since in the past Alessandra Mussolini has been in Berlusconi’s party and she’s always been a fervent advocate of LGBT rights. This is about Forza Italia and the moderates trying to get more power in the coalition, especially over Salvini’s Lega.

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