‘Disgusting POS’: Republican Pundit Trashed For Suggesting ‘Sexual Violence’ Against Taylor Swift Over Harris Endorsement

‘Disgusting POS’: Republican Pundit Trashed For Suggesting ‘Sexual Violence’ Against Taylor Swift Over Harris Endorsement

‘Disgusting POS’: Republican Pundit Trashed For Suggesting ‘Sexual Violence’ Against Taylor Swift Over Harris Endorsement

Posted by inewser

  1. Threats of violence against women with a powerful voice is to be expected from this cancerous maga scourge.

    It must also be expected that these threats are taken very seriously, and that these people are dealt with before the violence occurs.

  2. Sounds like a great opportunity for “badum badum” lawyers! Law Enforcement! AND the DOJ – with their powers combined, domestic terrorists like this get to tour the inside of a jail cell for terroristic threats and never own guns again!! Yay, they can’t vote either!

  3. Surely she could muster a group of power-tops to go sodomize this punk if she wished it. Dude should be scared.

  4. Is anyone at all surprised that Republicans want to rape women? At some point this party needs to go on the terrorism list and all their followers need close FBI monitoring.

  5. Is “vote for Trump or you’re getting gang raped” supposed to appeal to centrists and independent voters?

  6. I’ve said it once and I’ve said it again. These men are obsessed with breeding women and removing their ability to stop their offspring. No woman should be having a physical relationship with someone who supports the MAGA movement, unless that’s their kink of course.

  7. Hey Dave Rubin… do you know what happens if you come across a grumpy old ex-boxer who happens to be a girl-Dad, and is also a notoriously aggressive progressive?

    Answer: hire some bodyguards little man because you really don’t want to find out.

  8. These people don’t understand the fervor of the Swifties. Some of them will doxx him and threaten his family.

  9. Another MAGA pansy that can’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag … “duh, Venezuela gangs and stuff on ‘nar”. Dope.

  10. Taylor could also sue him for bodily threats against her. But I doubt she will as I wouldn’t either. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. I would just leave and take all my fans with me.

  11. I love that these reprobate garbage human beings keep openly showing what kind of people they are.

    I really, really hope this shit continues to haunt them for the rest of their lives. I hope Pepperidge farm always remembers.

  12. After he got exposed as a Russian shill, I’m just gonna tell people to ask Rubin “was that yours or something *they* paid for?”

  13. Hmmmm all the putin sock puppets are being brought out by their masters desperation that DonOld is going to end in jail.🥸🥸

  14. I would just like to state the obvious:

    If you are out there thinking “Well, yeah, these guys say stuff and people get offended, but I am white and Christian, they won’t come for me…”

    The second it is most beneficial to them, they will toss you aside out like spoiled eggs.

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