TIFF Screening of Russians at War Cancelled

TIFF Screening of Russians at War Cancelled

by JLandscaper

  1. A small victory in Canada. Now to recover the taxpayer’s money spent on the russian government’s behalf.

  2. Don’t even know how a movie which victimizes Russians made it to a western country in the first place…

  3. Canada has been taken over by incompetent communists so this whole thing didnt surprise us one bit. Our fucking prime minister invited a Nazi to the house of commons for zelensky’s visit. It doesnt get any more embarrassing with these clowns in power.

  4. The people who funded this movie should be criminally charged with creating propaganda that promotes war crimes.

  5. The problem is this film wouldn’t be let out of Russia or let happen at all if it wasn’t FSB propaganda. But I hate censorship and would still let an edited version be shown with inserted fact checking/explanations. This way viewers would not be deceived, and I could still view this with perspective. Perhaps if this was done, then people could start to see how the propaganda machine of Russia works.

  6. So they won’t show it good. Let it stream. Censorship still sucks but there’s always alternatives then a huge film festival to premier propaganda. Moscow FF, Tehran FF, Pyongyang FF, Gayjing FF etc…

    Maybe TVO can get back the $340k from caffeine and boner supplements on YouTube.

  7. Anastasia Trofimova is a Russian agent, pretend to be neutral, but in fact she’s pushing Putin’s agendas, while using Canadian money, a great move for Putin. Russian who doesn’t like living in Russia, come to Canada seeking freedom, using Canadian funded program to push Putin’s agenda! Shut her off!

  8. Yet you all champion Trudeau as the next wonder boy. A commie like you all claim to be. Commies eating their own. A wonderful thing to behold..

  9. Partly the doco did say “even with the propaganda putin provides,there should not be war esp poorly aimed attacks on civilians and exports ”

    Its problematic to have such propaganda presented as fact .. but it does ask civilians of russia to see the war is not justified,putin has not justified it politically , its all for putin.

  10. The russputin side of the story Aka propaganda full of deception and deceit. You don’t know what is going on unless you look in depth at both sides. This was one side. I have fact checked just 10 or 12 so called propaganda stories and that’s exactly what they were. Lies

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