[OC] 3 weeks ago I posted about Job Creation by President. To address many comments, here’s the Job Creation for each President Throughout their Term.

[OC] 3 weeks ago I posted about Job Creation by President. To address many comments, here’s the Job Creation for each President Throughout their Term.

Posted by txtbasedjesus

  1. I got the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found here: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PAYEMS](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PAYEMS)
    Created in Google Sheets

    Jobs created were calculated by summing the difference of jobs between each month for each given President. Terms were rounded to February for quality of life.

  2. Good info in this visual! I also appreciate placing the source dataset right into the display.
    One thing to note, I think creating uniform axes or consolidating the lines onto a single graph would improve interpretability. Since Biden, Trump, and H.W. bush were 4 years and the others were 8, the x-axis in particular could cause confusion.

  3. Definitely better data. Though seems like all the work went into the data, not into visualizing it. Are these all with their default Sheets settings? At minimum it’s worth making the major/minor x-axis line the same on all of them.

  4. It would be cool to see all the lines in a single graph. Make one party different shades of red and the other different shades of blue. That would help you take in the contrast even faster

  5. Is it strange to have everyone start at zero, as if zero jobs were created in their first year?

    I’m as left-wing as they come, but I really believe that presidents don’t do that much. And here you see jobs recovering under Bush #1, and then continuing to grow under Clinton. If jobs weren’t growing, he wouldn’t have been re-elected. Then we see them dipping under Bush #2 before Obama, then recovering before dipping again. Obama inherited the dip, things got better (thanks Obama) and Trump inherited the trajectory. Then Covid hit, a recovery started, and Biden inherited the recovery (and didn’t screw it up).

    We give presidents too much credit for the *immediate* economy, and too much blame for bad things. Presidents—and Congress—generally have more of a long-term impact. But a really interesting chart!

  6. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, democrats come in to fix a Republican fuck up

  7. It looks good, but I don’t think this is including revised job projections. Ie, numbers come out, then a few months goes by and they drop, then they drop again, then they drop more. Is that included in this?

  8. Would be better if the percentage change in employment was shown. Clinton created 25 mm jobs on a base that was less than 110 mm or 20%+. Biden’s employment base was over 142 mm and about 8 mm of the 15 mm created under his term were “rebound jobs from Covid”

  9. Would be nice to put a note about COVID on Trump’s chart.

    I’m not a fan of any of these fucks but if you’re gonna show numbers add context to Important events. It singlehandedly killed more jobs than any economic event.

  10. Can these be broken down by public versus private sector, and median salary? And percent of jobs going to foreign-born versus citizens? Also what was the corresponding federal budget each year?

  11. For bonus points, you should put the 2024 dollar equivalent of the median wages of new jobs created under each president. Democrats don’t just oversee more job growth, they see *better* job growth. 

  12. This is one of those visualizations where the would-be viewer readies their arguments and hostilities in advance of seeing the depictions and data. Good job.

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