But my Independent friend who also voted 2020 and 2016 Trump said moderators were biased against Donny

But my Independent friend who also voted 2020 and 2016 Trump said moderators were biased against Donny

Posted by InternetImportant911

  1. Trump had something like five full minutes more of speaking time than Kamala.

    But sure, let them tell us more about how rigged it was against him.

  2. He got in a lot of last words, but they were mostly gibberish so they didn’t have the impact he wanted them to have.

  3. now I care more about the quality of the words said than the quantity or time spoken, unlike the crowd-size obsessed egomaniacs

  4. TBF the legislative name of “Obamacare” is the Affordable Care Act. Don’t know why the right wants to use it as a slur considering it saves lives and money each year.

  5. She made it clear when she shook his hand that she didn’t need to be speaking to put him in his place.

  6. This is what I also noticed. It seems Trump was getting the last word about each topics/questions. Finally found out I’m not imagining it.

  7. Rigged Debate:

    Trump – fact checked on post-birth abortions and immigrants eating pets, but made 33 falsehoods to Harris’s 1.

    Trump – got the last work on every single topic.

    Trump – received more total speaking time.

    Most 3v1 I’ve ever seen, and it’s not even close.

  8. During the debate I thought it was bullshit and screamed at the TV to mute him. Looking back I’m glad they let him ramble.

  9. Funny how all these Trump cultists claim to be “Independent,” but they only show devotion to one man. Huh….

  10. Harris had some really difficult questions as well. The difference is that she knew how to approach them and answer them coherently and not lie about every single one where they had to fact check her in real time.

  11. My dad subscribes to the same philosophy for any discussion: “So long as I get the last word in, I win.”

  12. A Republican friend of mine got upset when they asked Trump the question about his tariffs. Said it was a biased question. I had to explain to him that it’s a very real, normal, important question **because Trump literally doesn’t know how tariffs work** and after that he got much quieter.

  13. But the words he said slipped right into madness, Haitian immigrants eating your pets, is Harris black, I mean he just was going WAY off script and everyone knows that. He looked bad. Republicans were the ones saying this more than anyone else. He has THEM worried. Is that winning, if so liberals like that kind of winning.

  14. Yet, Harris had the last laugh…especially with his “they’re eating the pets” senile old fuck jibber jabber.


  15. Wasn’t that a stipulation for doing debate was that he got to have the last word, guaranteed? I thought I read that somewhere

  16. It seemed pretty clear Kamala could have jumped in for a final word like he did but had a strategic game plan to let him ramble to close and not try to fight with him for last comment. Honestly it worked very well.

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