New video, witnesses challenge Israel’s account of activist’s killing • The shots fired toward the activists came some 20 minutes after they had retreated to the bottom of the hill — more than two football fields away from the nearest Israeli soldiers.

Eygi, shocked by the swift escalation, had already started “back down the road, behind the boys, behind the other volunteers.” Other activists and Palestinians took cover behind trees, rocks and terraces, they said, while others put obstacles at various points down the road, including rocks and a dumpster

A photograph taken at 1:21 p.m. shows at least four Israeli soldiers at the top of the hill. Video and photos from the next several minutes show soldiers taking up positions on higher ground — including on the rooftop of Beita resident Ali Maali’s home, and near a military vehicle.

A video filmed at 1:22 p.m. shows the road next to the olive grove. A shot rings out. “They’re shooting with regular guns!” an activist says off-camera in Japanese.

A minute later, the British activist called Eygi to check where she was, according to a call log viewed by The Post. Eygi told him she had already made it down the hill to the olive grove.

Helen (the Australian activist, who was assigned as her “buddy”) positioned herself behind a tree, she said, with Eygi to her left. For nearly 20 minutes after that, the scene remained relatively calm, Palestinians and volunteers said.

But one of the soldiers on the roof was “training his gun in our direction,” recalled Pollak (longtime Israeli activist with Faz3a), who was standing next to a dumpster that had been moved into the middle of the road at the bottom of the hill. He and other activists said he was the closest person to Israeli troops at the time, just over 200 yards away; Eygi was around 30 yards further.

He saw a muzzle flash and heard two shots, he said.

The moment of the gunshots was not caught on any of the footage reviewed by The Post. There was nothing much happening at the time to film, activists and residents said.

At 1:48 p.m., Chabbott (American volunteer with Faz3a) began filming.

In the olive grove, Helen saw Eygi drop facedown to the ground beside her. The older woman rolled her over.

The IDF’s initial inquiry into Eygi’s death “found that it is highly likely that she was hit indirectly and unintentionally by IDF fire which was not aimed at her, but aimed at the key instigator of the riot.”

Yet the shots fired toward the activists, including the one that claimed Eygi’s life, came some 20 minutes after they had retreated to the bottom of the hill — more than two football fields away from the nearest Israeli soldiers.

“Even an Olympic stone thrower cannot make half that distance,” Pollak said.

The IDF did not respond to Post questions about the identity of the “instigator,” or why live fire was justified under the circumstances.

Read a copy of the rest of the article here (the videos don't work unfortunately)

New video, witnesses challenge Israel’s account of activist’s killing • The shots fired toward the activists came some 20 minutes after they had retreated to the bottom of the hill — more than two football fields away from the nearest Israeli soldiers.
byu/Naurgul inanime_titties

Posted by Naurgul

  1. Like the USS Liberty and Rachel Corrie, they just murdered her intentionally and in cold blood.

    The US is a cuck when it comes to Israel. 

    (And I don’t like to use that word, but I can’t find a better one).

  2. -witnesses have been saying this since the day it happened

    -the US administration is actively ignoring the witnesses and tried pushing a ridiculous “she was killed by a ricochet bullet” story

    -israel then admitted to killing her, although “accidentally”

    -US changes their story and suddenly biden is “outraged”

    -her family received no call from the biden-harris administration

    -when the israeli american hostage was found dead, the biden-harris administration immediately called the victims family to offer condolences

    -biden will once again do nothing but send them more weapons to kill more americans, not to mention massacre the palestinians.

  3. Surely the US will place conditions on military aid now that Israel’s military has been confirmed to have murdered an American activist while committing a war crime. Right? Right?

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