Looks like we have to return to Borodino… you with us Eurobros?

Looks like we have to return to Borodino… you with us Eurobros?

by DuchessOfLille

  1. Me infront of the grave of my great grandfather after Putin actually declared war:


  2. Damn.now we must give Putin Austrian citizenship to keep our claim of ‘Started 100% of all world wars’ accutate.

  3. I seriously cannot wait for this piece of shit to die

    Putin isn’t going to do shit. We could deliver 50% of NATO’s armoured vehicles and planes to Ukraine, and the cunt won’t do shit. He is well aware he cannot possibly win a confrontation with NATO, nuclear or not. NATO may suffer heavily, but Russia is fucked nonetheless.

    It is amusing to see Russia pretend to act as an equal peer to the United States, or any major European nation. They are a failed terrorist state with a declining population, and shite economy. Good luck Putin, you’ll be lucky to leave office alive.


  4. Well we haven’t got a fat lot in the diary next January so we can probably pencil you in for then Vlad-o.

  5. I can’t win a war with Ukraine. Let’s start a war with the rest of the world! Now, that’ll be a succes, comrade!

  6. You guys laugh, but every time this happens, I remember how I didn’t think he was mad enough to attack Ukraine.

  7. Ivan I’m still waiting for my payback for 2016. The funny this is there’s a bunch of us that want our payback


  8. Give Karelia to Finland (I know they don’t want it, I just think it’s funny if they had to deal with it)

  9. I can’t wait to bleed out in some eastoid shithole because a country that’s the incarnation of fetal alcohol syndrome has a chip on their shoulder

  10. Isnt it the 3rd or 4th time he says the war will escalate if they do something, but nothing ever happens?

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