EU Court Drops the Hammer: Apple Must Fork Over €13 Billion in Back Taxes

EU Court Drops the Hammer: Apple Must Fork Over €13 Billion in Back Taxes

by Similar_Diver9558

  1. I am so fucking pissed off that a fucking multitrillion multinational company did not even bother to set up an Italian subsidiary company as an Italian S.r.l. and when I buy from the apple store I am buying from a fucking Irish company and I can’t even have a proper billing.

    Go fuck yourself Apple.

  2. There are few smartphone manufacturers in Europe with a global market presence. It’s so sad.

  3. If they dont pay this (which seems very likely) does Apple actually have €13 Billion’s worth of assets in the EU that could be seized? If they dont then I cant see the US allowing the EU to seize assets in the US. So what happens next? Arrest warrants?

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