Even MTG spoke out against it, FFS…

Even MTG spoke out against it, FFS…

Posted by Charmin_Mao

  1. That’s the most mind boggling part about the MAGA crowd. The internalized self loathing isn’t a glitch, it’s a feature.

  2. look, I know she isn’t white…BUT….she is like ok and shit and my daughter definitely won’t go no contact at 18 because I’m seeking support for people that call her a mongrel and her mom essentially ‘one of the good ones’. -Vance basically

  3. MAGA is like Highlander, but the “one” is the person who is so racist that the rest of the followers are like 👀

  4. J.D. Vance, “I’m fine with that! I’ve already sold my soul to the Devil! Does anyone think I care about my wife?”

  5. Wow. That’s some *old school* racism right there. It might be so outdated that they don’t even realize it’s a standard racist troupe.

  6. If I looked like looney loomer, I would try to keep a low profile and only come out between midnight and
    3 am. When its really late and dark. No chance of scaring the children or stray animals.

  7. OMGosh, I totally forgot about that when I read what she said about Harris. Wow, I almost, kinda, maybe, sorta feel sorry for him.

  8. How does she know it won’t be soul food? But honestly, either or both would be great. And meat and potatoes occasionally for the midwesterners.

  9. Even though they’re supposed to reject her blackness, if she said it would smell like fried chicken, she would be called out on racism far faster. It is still amazing that EmptyG was one to call her out on it, but its definitely not due to racism, and more likely her jealously of the undie sniffing of Trump and being as close in camp as Marge wishes she was.
    Or even most likely: the purposeful catfight to distract from the millions of pieces of undoubtable info piling up against Trump, for whatever voter they can keep ignorant, on behalf of Pootin’.

  10. Usha knew what she was getting into, power hungry, no self-respect, and hoping the leapord eating party doesn’t eat HER face. Pathetic.

  11. Vance is the latest member of the club of Republican guys who’ll happily let MAGAts (up to and including Trump) shit on their wives if it gets them a grain of power.

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