Trump said the dumbest thing any American President has ever said, in all of US history.

Trump said the dumbest thing any American President has ever said, in all of US history.

Posted by FunkYouInParticular

  1. Dementia Donnie says: “Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison!”

    That is pretty fucking dumb. But, yes, why wouldn’t he say that?

    Here’s why – he’s a fucking moron.

  2. That is because he is the dumbest motherfucking president in US history and he gets dumber every day! KAMALA 2024

  3. remember when Michael Dukakis lost the presidential nomination because he looked funny riding in a tank…..?

    ……and that was deemed “unpresidential”

    well…..Trump looked like a lunatic in a debate……a screaming, howling lunatic

    oh, how the Republican party has fallen…..

  4. Didn’t he already hold his record?

    Like … the first, second, and third place for this?!

  5. He’s been saying the dumbest thing any American President has ever said every time he speaks. He just keeps one-upping himself every time.

    Kinda impressive, actually.

  6. Dumb??? Here’s what he meant to say, which is TRUE: “She now wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens AND those who are in prison!”

  7. The ‘eating pets thing’ or the ‘transgender prisoner immigrants’ thing? What the hell, give him the Top 2 dumbest things, right?

  8. When you start at such a low bar it’s hard to sink lower.

    The dogs and cats comment and illegal alien sex change has been getting a lot of air time… can’t believe the 9th month and postpartum abortions have barely been talked about.
    We need to invent and new word that describes DT, because cunt isn’t adequate, in certain parts of the world cunt has a positive connotations.

  9. How far back would we have to go to find the very first thing from him that would have ended anybody else’s campaign?

    I mean from the very beginning of this nightmare. Maybe not pre campaign. Let’s say after the escalator announcement.

  10. Look, Trump said he was the clear winner, with one poll saying he won 92-8. WTF poll was THAT? Where?

    Trump was beaten as badly — worse, actually — in this debate than Biden was in the first debate. So when are the Republicans going to ditch Donnie?

  11. Is it possible to break the world record multiple times in the same debate? Because I don’t think it was limited to one thing.

  12. Which “dumbest thing ever” was it? I can think of at least a dozen times he’s done that, off the top of my head right now. If you let me research, I’ll bet the number is in hundreds.

    Even just “in a debate” it’s not the dumbest thing he’s said. The last time he ran he brought up the size of his penis during the debate.

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