IDF erklärt die Rafah-Brigade der Hamas für besiegt; keine aktiven Grenztunnel gefunden

IDF erklärt die Rafah-Brigade der Hamas für besiegt; keine aktiven Grenztunnel gefunden

  1. Cool, so they can leave Gaza now, right? 👉👈🥺 what could possibly be next, except for getting Sinwar?

  2. Hamas is like Hydra. Get rid of one head and another will replace it so Israel still have ways to go.

  3. So if it turned out that there were no active tunnels, I guess Netanyahu was wrong about that. I guess there’s no reason for Israel to stay in the Philadelphia corridor then. Could it be just that Netanyahu made up that risk completely just to insert a new condition in ceasefire talks and sabotage the deal so that he could stay in power longer?

  4. Time to hunt down the international Members… They could be out there…. Posting TikTok vids and other Horrifying crimes against Humanity

  5. Great, now put Netanyahu in prison immediately. What a shameful display for israel having this cowards extend this conflict as long as he can

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