Emil, what do you mean by this?

Emil, what do you mean by this?

by Goose4594

  1. Well when they reach 30 in the rural areas, they build a massive statue of of carwheels or barrels, that they cannot remove

  2. I think it has something to do with the cinnamon hurting your eyes and lungs, which makes you get it together and get married quicker? Don’t quote me on this though.

    Or it could just be us being racist and humiliating someone by making them brown, idk

  3. In Germany we at least use trash for that and dont waste,
    Unless they turn 18 then we crack eggs on their head

  4. Sooo… there’s an old phrase in danish called a “pebermø” (18th century), which basically translates to a spinster (an elderly woman who never married)- directly translated it means “pepper maiden”. Apparently there’s also a male equivalent (the OG, go figure, 16th century) called a “pebersvend” (pepper lad? Idk), which was used for older, unmarried, travelling spice salesmen 🤔. And we all know that 30 = ancient, apparently. So traditionally you’d give someone a pepper grinder, but now when danes (rather, mostly rural danes) reach 30, they’ll get tied up and doused with pepper to signify that they are now basically a “pebermø” or “pebersvend”. Then somewhere between then and now, someone came up with the idea to include cinnamon on the 25th birthday, because waiting until 30 is too long of a wait, to torment your friends

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