Not so sure about Royal Mail’s new stamp collection

Unveiled today. Although all of these ones look pretty cute.

by samcornwell

  1. I refuse to believe this is true.

    Okay, I googled it and it is true. Thank goodness no one sends letters to me any more!

  2. I quite like the garden spiders (orb weavers) that we get at this time of year. Until I walk face first into their webs and then I’m not quite so keen.

  3. These are beautiful! More awareness needs to be raised on the plight of our beautiful invertebrates.

  4. I hate the “kill it with fire” attitude that seems to be socially acceptable. Imagine if I had a phobia of dogs and said the same thing…

    I kept tarantulas for years and would have people make this comment about my pets.

  5. That pink one is beautiful. I didn’t know pink spiders existed. I just googled Heather Crab Spider wow 😍

    Also cucumber spider! Who knew! Very cool stamps/spiders.

  6. It’s a great time to be doing this.
    I understand that people have phobias, but there is a phobia of anything and everything.
    Spiders are important for our environment and it’s nice to see a little potential education 🙂

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