Starmer: Putin hat den Ukraine-Krieg begonnen und kann diesen Konflikt „sofort beenden“

Starmer: Putin hat den Ukraine-Krieg begonnen und kann diesen Konflikt „sofort beenden“

  1. Why would he. The war will be resolved I
    As soon as Trump wins

    -Wilbert Wallace.
    Sent from my IPhone

  2. We all know the moment he does that him and his family are dead. He really screwed his family over because whichever way the wind blows, his family has a target on them. Live by the sword, die by the sword, karma is a bitch.

  3. I feel there is one thing Putin has learned he cannot count on in the UK like he hoped he could in the US – changes in the administration, even between two opposing parties, have not changed the governmental stance or rhetoric on the subject of Ukraine.

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