Pro-Palestine protester stands trial for racial offence over ‘coconut’ placard

Pro-Palestine protester stands trial for racial offence over ‘coconut’ placard

by AdaptableBeef

  1. As she should, I’ve seen people call this description out as a racist term long before these protests started. Trying to dismiss someone’s identity because they don’t have the appropriate sociopolitical outlook you think that identity should have is racist.

  2. You have around a 95 per cent chance at the moment of getting away with phone theft, violent robbery, rape….and meanwhile the courts are being clogged up with this.

  3. Honestly, I think this is absurd. Yess, I consider it racist, and no, I do not buy the tortured efforts to explain it as “intra-communal expressions of blah blah blah”.

    The term is in wide usage among certain cohorts, even providing the title to [an (albeit, apparently crappy) TV show]( At most, we should respond to placards and terminology like by pointing out that it violates one of the core principles of anti-racism, which is that a person’s ethnic identity doesn’t determine their political beliefs, or personality in general.

    We should be ridiculing, not punishing.

  4. What starts with a ‘C’ ends with a ‘T’ and has the letters ‘U’ and ‘N’ between them.


  5. People being sentenced for racist signs and tweets is getting pretty fucking wild.

    Instead we’re freeing violent criminals early so we can make space for political prisoners.

    This woman should be free to wave her racist sign around, it’s the price we need to accept for freedom of expression.

  6. Ah, the old “non-white people should all think the same” tac.

    This lot are why I find it difficult to go to anti-racism marches, because you get lumped in with some headcases!

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