Isnt this too much?

I want to rent an appartement in germany and the current renter wants me to take this Kitchen for "2000 euro Ablöse". It has a fridge, oven and dishwasher. It's 2 years old. Is it the right price or I'm I getting scamed?

by PaleontologistAny828

  1. It is not outrageous, no. 

    How badly you want the apartment? Because someone else will pay it without blinking an eye 

  2. It’s not cheap (the materials don’t look super high quality), but considering the kitchen is in good shape and you’d pay at least that much to get a kitchen that size installed yourself, I also wouldn’t consider this outrageous. Definitely not scam-level.

    At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide whether you can be picky. I usually prefer to go for apartments that just have the kitchen included, but in some places, you take what you can get.

  3. A new kitchen like that will likely cost 4000-6000 Euros, so its an acceptable price

    Edit: Not sure what issue some of you have with my estimated price. And how would you know it is ikea? Just because it does not look fancy and stuff? You can likely get something similar at ikea and in any other departement or kitchen store as well. Despite the appliances not being top brand, there are some things that suggest, the kitchen is made of higher quality and likely professionally installed:

    The leftmost section is not standard width and probably custom fitted. It has a backplate which is not common for lower grade off the shelf kitchens. The backplate also comes with installed power outlets, which would require installation by an electrician (you can very well do it yourself, but are not advised and insured to do so). The edge between backplate and baseboard is grouted and does not only feature a cheap coverup strip.
    Also there is light installation on the underside of the wall cabinets connected to a light switch at the backboard. Another hint for professional and custom installation.

    Aside that there are of course many features that could add to the price but are not identifyable by this pictures. Such as brand of the sink and faucet, which can be quite expensive, but defenitely are not lowest grade in this case. Similar the oven and stovetop. The buttons indicate it’s not the priciest one, however the stove top is also not the cheapest version. Same goes for the dishwasher. Its fully integrated which is usually more pricey, but no way of knowing the exact make. However the dials are integrated and not visible on the front, which suggests at least a mid-tier dishwasher.

    Las but not least the fixtures for the doors and drawers. They can range from quite cheap to rather expensive depending on the comfort level, e.g. soft close

  4. Its not a fair prices but also not outrages. If you get this kitchen new you pay minimum 2k properly more.
    Sometimes taking over kitchen and other stuff also decides whether you get a flat or not.
    The electronics alone cost over 700€ new.

  5. Fridge and oven don’t look like super expensive machines. It isn’t a fancy kitchen but probably still used to cost like 3-4k. You are not obligated to pay 2k as Ablöse, you could also say you don’t want the kitchen, but then the old renter will probably find someone wo will buy it. If you want the Apartment, maybe try to discuss the price and meet at 1000-1500€ or something

  6. 2000 looks fair imho, a compareable new one would cost double that amount. And if you move out say in 5 years you’ll get easy 1000€ back

  7. Remember you will resell it when u move out 🙂 maybe try and bargain a little e.g. 1700 . And ask for the Orginal receipts / guarantees etc. when u buy it.

  8. I’d pay it. Saves me. The hassle of buying, carrying and installing it.

    It looks decent. Not super fancy. But decent.

  9. a new one with the same setup, plus installation service, would be at least 4k (considering it’s an Ikea level). So, assuming there’s nothing broken and everything is working, it feels to be a good and fair price for me.

  10. Completely normal and fair. You will pay at least 700 euros for a person to build the kitchen if you buy another one. It isn’t worth it

  11. It’s fair price. I have recently bought a kitchen from Ikea .. there is a lot of time wastage with appointments, finding the right guy to montage. It was absolutely pain. And I spend 5k for small kitchen than this. Just buy it . 2000 is less

  12. I would built that fridge into the kitchen and take the new space to get around the corner with a new plate.

  13. To give you an idea, I paid around 2000 for my kitchen last year (oven/stove and the fridge were bought separately so probably around 2800-3000 total) and that was fairly cheap/ or at least on the affordable end.

  14. It’s fine. IKEA wants 1400 to 1600€ for a similar kitchen without the electronics. A new (cheap) fridge is about 300-400€ , a simple oven about 500€, the cooking plate about 300-400€. So a somewhat similar kitchen would be realistically~3000€. I would take it, as it looks not that used, and is only 2 years old. It’s not a cheap price, but not that expensive, so seems fair.

    PS: forgot the dishwasher, ~250€, and the exhaust ~150€

  15. What would you need to get a new Kitchen? Probably the same maybe even more, and if this kitchen is only 2 years old, it sounds like a fair deal to me, especially with the fridge and dishwasher.

    AND you save yourself from the headache for getting a new kitchen which is the best part of that deal.

  16. When I moved, my landlord simply provided the receipts for the kitchen and some other permanent furniture and we then applied a depreciation formula like this
    We also (informally) agreed that when I move out we will make it a necessary condition for the next tenant to buy it from me using the same calculation. So in practice it works out like a deposit minus some fair usage fee, assuming I dont damage anything.

  17. find some Mängel and haggle them down a couple bucks ;D

    But just remember, you can pass it on to the renter after you for any price you fancy – more likely than not you will get those 2000€ back when moving out 🙂

  18. We paid 450 for our kitchen with dish washer, fridge and oven…
    Friends of mine in memmingen picked up an unwanted full kitchen for free, just rented a van, picked it up and installed it themselves.
    If you don’t want the kitchen I’d try my luck telling them that you don’t want it, either they need to search for someone willing to pay or take it with them, or lower the expected price, which I’ve found in Germany to be “what I paid for it in the first place”
    I’d at least haggle with them because they’ll be expecting that

  19. I wouldn’t say scammed. The kitchen looks quite good and if you had to install this yourself, you would have to pay minimum that much. I would question if you are looking to stay here for a minimum of 4-5 years. If not, go for a fitted kitchen. Also how is the rent? If it is cheap then I would say you can calculate the 2000 in your yearly rent and check if it fits your budget. Good luck!

  20. Try to build a basic kitchen in the IKEA planner and see how much you’d need to pay. My guess, having bought a new kitchen 3 years ago, is that it will be 3-4k€ with cheapest appliances and materials, without installation.


  21. For reference, my girlfriend and I bought a similar size kitchen at Ikea for 5000€, with installation. It’s not first price, but it’s far to be the best at Ikea. And I didn’t include the fridge in the equation.

    The montage itself can cost you 600-700€ or more. So if the kitchen is in a good shape, I don’t think it’s too much to pay for it.

  22. We bought the same kitchen from IKEA two years ago, without the overhead shelfs. We paid around 2.500€ for everything. If it’s in a good shape and well installed, I would say the price is okay. Not cheap but also not a scam. This kitchen will probably cost over 3.000 now, maybe more.

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