Rassistische Mädchen lassen asiatische Frau bei Anschlag an Bushaltestelle in Birmingham, Großbritannien, misshandelt zurück

Rassistische Mädchen lassen asiatische Frau bei Anschlag an Bushaltestelle in Birmingham, Großbritannien, misshandelt zurück


  1. “She does not want to leave her home and feels insecure walking on the streets or even being in a store”

    Hope the slags that did this get found

  2. We should create a hate crimes register that acts the same as the sex offenders register. Then we’ll see how many dickheads dare to assault someone because of their race. 

  3. Racism is such a dumbass thing – I guarantee the dumb fucks who attacked her go on nice holidays to other countries but hey, someone comes to yours and looks different to you? Lets beat them up? Fuck off.

  4. > two female youths Fuck that, they can get named like any other alleged criminal. I get why there’s laws against naming youth offenders, but this blanket protection is nonsense. If you’re old enough to physically assault someone and leave these kind of injuries, you’re not a fucking “youth” anymore.

    Edit: u/jt400c rightly pointed out they haven’t been identified yet. Reading other sources, that seems to be correct, at the time of writing. I still feel however, that if they are ID’d, their identities should be made public.

  5. So, whats the reason to not kick racist asses?

    It’s crazy that this scum worldwide is once again finding such great approval and is increasingly daring to come out of the holes into which they were once driven. I could puke more every day.

  6. > When she called police she was told that half a dozen people had already dialled 999 reporting the horrific attack which happened around 7.30pm on August 26.

    So at least half a dozen people saw the incident and nobody helped?

  7. The fuck’s going on in Birmingham lately?

    I know it’s never been a role model city, but reports of attacks on Asians seem to be increasing a bit.

  8. This incident is deeply troubling and highlights the ongoing issue of racially motivated violence. No one should have to experience such hatred and brutality, especially in a public space. It’s a reminder of the importance of both community support and stricter action against racist behavior. Hopefully, the authorities will hold those responsible accountable and the victim receives the care and justice she deserves. What can be done at a local level to prevent such attacks from happening in the future?

  9. >West Midlands Police said: “We are investigating after a racially-aggravated assault at a bus stop in Birmingham. Around 7.30pm on 26 August, a woman was at the bus stop in Lambert Close when she was approached by a group, who then assaulted her.

    Investigating really hard, appealing for information, yet flat out refuse to give even a description of the attackers.

    Cool, cool.

  10. Isn’t this terrorism? Or would that only be if it was brown women doing the exact same thing to white women?

  11. When Tommy Robinson or Nigel Farage say they’ve never said anything racist or harmful. They should be locked up for the hate they’ve stoked up.

  12. Youths that commit crimes like this should be made to work cleaning toilets or the streets. Give them a lesson.

  13. So glad I left that shithole. I’ve been badly assaulted (broken bones) twice in Birmingham. So sorry for the woman involved.

  14. And good ole Tory with a red tie keir Starmer says racism isn’t a thing in this country … 

  15. Imagine having issues with a minority of different minorities but you go after East & Southeast Asians who never cause any issues and integrate the most.

  16. >racist **GIRLS**

    >asian **WOMAN**

    What’s with the infantilization of the perpetrators and painting the victim as someone who should’ve been able to resist them?

  17. One thing is sure, it wasn’t white people. If so it would’ve been spelled out with big letters in the article.

  18. Now do the Jihadi types stabbing whites… oh wait that is suddenly not ok to share because it’s only ok when “minorities” are victims. When they’re the perpetrators it’s also somehow white peoples fault.

  19. Fuck. I need to be in Birmingham next weekend and I’m Asian.

    Are they gonna kill me. Look people, I did not ask to be born Asian, I had no say in the matter.

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