Jesus Army cult: Report finds one in six children was abused

Jesus Army cult: Report finds one in six children was abused


  1. “539 individuals were identified as perpetrators of alleged abuse”

    Disgusting. I don’t understand how everyone everywhere doesn’t view cults as just a means to commit sexual abuse. Seems to be what most of them are about.

  2. I remember their buses turning up in my hometown’s big park about once a year. 

    My parents always regarded them as being very weird and culty. I never got close enough (as in, not within about 500m) to find out. 

    Rape and sexual assault is so frequently about controlling others, so it’s not really a surprise that highly controlling religious sects attract leaders that want to control others, and do so in more than one way. 

  3. Sigh.

    “Jesus People. Loving People”

    And now I can only read that to the tune of Voodoo people by The Prodigy. Thanks, brain.

  4. It was an open secret that they were picking up homeless people in Northampton, supplying them with alcohol and drugs.

  5. I am shocked that these religious nutters would abuse children. SHOCKED I say! Next you’ll be telling me there’s some sort of track record for religious institutions abusing kids.

  6. A friend and I got drunk in Oxford in the 80s. On the way home we passed a Jesus Army double decker bus parked up on broad street and decided to ask them for a lift back to our college that was way out in the Botley suburb. They did take us, but made us sit apart and tried to convince us to join the cult for the 15 minute journey.

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