Pro-Palestine protester stands trial for racial offence over ‘coconut’ placard

Pro-Palestine protester stands trial for racial offence over ‘coconut’ placard

Posted by chrisjd

  1. Super inappropriate and somewhat refreshing to see someone left leaning reaping what they’ve sewn, but come on, how is this ok people are getting arrested for distasteful placards?

  2. It is intentionally racist towards the target, and overwhelmingly racist in principle by asserting that your colour defines your politicical view and race is aligned with politics.

  3. This is why I’ve totally stopped caring about people being butt hurt by white racists. You lot are all a bit racist. Have a nice day 🙂

  4. I’m trying to work out where I stand with this.

    I do think it sends a strong message to minority communities that suggesting someone is a race traitor is unacceptable.

    However, I don’t really warm to the idea that a person’s personal views can land them in court because others find it offensive.

  5. Brown and black people calling other browns and black people uncle toms or coconuts happens a lot around politics and power. This white supremacist hub does not understand white people saying something like this is not the same as a brown or black person saying this. But nuance or even the actual academic definition of racism as about social structures is lost here. You should change the name of this sub to UK Whiteys

  6. 2024 and YT people still don’t understand racism, even though they are the ones who abuse race the most.

    Brown person calling a brown person a coconut is not racist. If a white person called a brown person a coconut that is racist.

    Same way if a black person calls someone an Uncle Tom it’s not racist but if a white person does it that is racism.

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