Master Debater

Master Debater

Posted by _Moregone

  1. I’ve been watching tons of post debate coverage and the fact that he straight up refused to say he wanted Ukraine to win the war has been straight up ignored. 🚩🚩🚩🚩

  2. I remember thinking at the 30 min mark, how trump had to deal with another whole hour, and I laughed so hard.

  3. I thought he said he didn’t lose the election during the debate. He also wrongfully said he won by getting 75 million votes, the most any president has ever gotten in history (his words), yet Joe Biden got just under 82 million.

  4. Guess what? This makes absolutely ZERO difference to his base.

    Please make sure you are registered and vote!

  5. Responsibility? Tarriffs? And he denied the “by a whisker” part, but it was brought up and that is funny.

  6. – Who cares? We’re supposed to hate people because their parents did well?
    – Nobody does. In fact no president has ever come up with a healthcare system that works for most Americans. At least he’s honest about it.
    – literally didn’t, but okay?
    – Nor should he
    – Also untrue
    – Doesn’t support either side. Instead aims to end the conflict altogether. Damn some of you really just want millions of dead Russians and Ukrainians. Why?

  7. He has the media savvy of an 80-year-old man with dementia who has zero idea what’s real and what isn’t. “But I saw it on TV!”

  8. He also randomly volunteered that he had picked bad people that he had to fire.

    He really blundered through that debate the entire time. His off-the cuff-rallying hasn’t exactly helped him solidify a cohesive and comprehensive message. He just likes to fire up people with nonsense.

  9. She wasn’t even playing 4D chess. She was reading him the rules to the game and he just quit and said she was cheating.

  10. I thank reddit for getting me to finally fully watch full debate.
    Praise the universe. Im closer to having the strength not read reddit and especially think point to respond.
    Debates historically kinda child like but. Like shit dumb say she answered majestically and nailed him.
    Was suspicious at him not straight hand shaking right off , but……
    She said straight up” he going to just blame people ”. Then just rudely stare childishly snickering (not sure he better) at him. I on no level saw she was a mature leader and said anything. Again pretty sure she opened saying. Then just hypocritical
    Few times “im the only person up on this stage blahh blahh”. Like this wording works? There’s you and him right? 🤔maybe does prove the genius of and im dumb cause..
    Its you and him! Right? I focused on alot after awhile

  11. She said it’s well known he exchanged love letters with Kim Jong-un, and he didn’t deny it.

    I laughed so hard at this one.

  12. I can’t get over him insisting tariffs don’t get passed on to consumers. His audience clearly knows nothing about economics.

  13. *I grew up middle class, the candidate to my right received $400m and has had 6 bankruptcies*

    *First off, it wasn’t 400m… I wish it was… I have more money than people imagine. They are amazed*

    Love the execution.

  14. And yet *somehow* he and his followers believe **she’s** the one who’s gonna be walked all over by other foreign leaders 😅

  15. Not only did he not take responsibility for the Jan 6th insurrection but repeatedly wouldn’t comment on whether he would have done anything different. He only shifted blame. he stands by every riot he’s incited. he is incapable of learning or changing and put Kamala down for her ability to learn, change, and negotiate. That’s a textbook destructive ego.

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