Part of Derry Girls mural turned into smoking hut

Part of Derry Girls mural turned into smoking hut

by BelfastTelegraph

  1. Unless the bar owner was getting paid for use of the wall, it’s really nobody’s business what he does with it.

  2. It’s the bar owner’s property so he is entitled to do what he wants with it. Subject to planning permission, of course. We’re also entitled to think he’s a bit of a philistine, and maybe a bad businessman. Did he put no thought or effort at all into a better solution that would have maximised the upside of having this major tourist attraction on his wall?

  3. Tourists don’t even drink anyway, sit over one pint for 4 hours, the bar got very little out of that mural and very soon the show will be forgotten.

    Only worry is local snowflakes boycott the bar now. The cryers here are embarrassing.

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