Poland plans to speed up its coal exit, so that by 2040 the share of coal in electricity mix would drop to 1%

Poland plans to speed up its coal exit, so that by 2040 the share of coal in electricity mix would drop to 1%


by Straight_Ad2258

  1. hope that Poland’s coal producing regions will get enough investment to weather the decline in coal jobs

    IIRC Poland has like 40% of remaining coal jobs in EU

  2. If they achieve this, it would be monumental.

    I expected a much higher share of nuclear in the final stage though.

  3. We all know nuclear is going to be at 0% in 2040, our useless governments are eternally stuck in plannig phase…

  4. This plan looks surprisingly good and rational. Lot of renewable, nuclear as baseload, natural gas and storage for fast load following. It will never be implemented.

  5. Ach, Climate Ministry. It have very little to say about transformation, as they are not responsible for its implementation and funding and it’s currently occupied by lefties. It’s basically wishful thinking. I don’t think we even have enough capacity for that much renewables.

  6. unfortunately, there will definitely be no nuclear power in poland by 2040, so it will probably be replaced by coal …

  7. this is some new level of stupidity if you believe in it. Even if they close the power plants, coal will continue to be mined and its sale will go to China, that is, apart from losing a source of electricity (cheap development) nothing will change in the whole CO2

  8. Cool, but more nuclear! Craving for reactors is something that ascends all barriers currently. Your liberal family is arguing with PiS uncles? Tell them about need for nuclear, they will shake hands in no time. Even Konfederancja wants nuclear power.

  9. Is it even the slightest bit likely or even possible that this will be implemented? Without knowing anything – I assume it’s literally impossible to implement?

  10. I wish more people understood that renewables are not just about environment but also independence and security.
    If we can generate the energy ourselves, on our territory then we won’t have to worry if someone decides to turn off the gas tap for us (we all know who).
    We would also be secured from oil price fluctuations and extra inflation they cause.

  11. I’ll believe it when I see it, but I’m more interested in accelerating the modernization of heating sources.

  12. Good to see they’re adding nuclear. They can export some of the electricity to Germany after they foolishly shut it all down.

  13. Fingers crossed but between this and the record military spending I’m a bit afraid how we’re going to find money for all of this

  14. 20%-ish nuclear in 15 years, well that’s optimistic to say the least, and I’m saying that as a huge proponent of nuclear energy.

  15. Yeah, sure, we have some of the most expensive energy in the EU, and our loans are also the most expensive, while our salaries are really, really low. Good luck with the economy if we rely on just 1% coal as fuel. Also, our government loves (or used to love) giving 13th, 14th, and 15th salaries to coal miners. This is a good source of extra money for politicians, so it’s likely to drag on past 2040.

  16. I see growth in the gas sector for 2030. That tells me they’re planning to use gas as a helper for transitioning.

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