Bunker? I hardly know her!

Bunker? I hardly know her!

Posted by BeerNirvana

  1. So Laura Loomer is steaming his pants now?

    And the “family values” Christians/evangelicals are perfectly fine with this.

  2. Taking everything into consideration it’s a downgrade for both.
    Melania is probably not complaining though

  3. If it plays out that Trump is banging Laura Loomer, all of MAGA will be like “YEAH WHAT AN ALPHA HITTIN THAT!”

    But simultaneously think gays shouldn’t be married.

    Worst fucking timeline of the modern era

  4. I bet Kari Lake is seething right now.

    The appearance of being inappropriately involved with Loomer though, can’t be making the campaign staff very happy.

  5. Probably the only case where both participants in the sex act would prefer it if the other wore a paper bag over their head.

  6. She’s 30? Jesus she looks like, 46. The cheap hair dye and the massive roots are a telltale sign of the devil 😈.

  7. Caption probably makes more sense with JD since he has been nicknamed America’s Hitler. Still funny.

  8. That is one of the ugliest women I’ve ever seen, though physically she’s fine. TBH, she and Stephen Miller seem like a better couple. I could see the two of them getting off watching black slaves get whipped.

  9. Yikes. She’s livin’ her dream. All that work paid off. MTG must be nashing her little Neanderthal teeth

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