TV licensing getting desperate

So, think TV licensing have ballsed up their site, apparently if you don't watch any of the shite that you need a license for, their site still says you need a license.

Jog on twats.

by xFuManchu

  1. I think section 5 and 6 need to be switched to yes to confirm that you don’t watch it.

    Kind of a dickish way to lay out a series of questions

  2. Capita can do one. Time we organise our own public media. Easier said than done but I think a rolling discussion radio channel that isn’t influenced by Israel lobbyists would be a grand beginning. 

  3. In all fairness this is an absolute joke. Of course we watch every other thing that’s not BBC. But those other things get no funding from the TV license.

    Should all go to channel 4 in my mind as me and my wife live of Channel 4 shows but never or rarely watch BBC.

  4. I told them ages ago I didn’t need one. I went over all of this over the phone with them, told them I was cancelling the DD, the guy said fair enough.

    Things were quiet for a couple of months, then the threatening letters addressed ‘To the Occupier’ started.
    I use them for kindling for my wood burning stove.

  5. You’re meant to have a TV license to watch Sky? You’ve already paid for both the device and the service, so what is the license for?

  6. A rare first for members of this sub: OP made a simple mistake and the commenters haven’t leapt down their throat calling them every name under the sun and refrained from displaying their intellectual prowess.

    Kudos to you.

  7. I honestly don’t get why nobody in government has thought about replacing the TV license with this but….

    .. if streaming services are such a risk to the BBC/Public Broadcasting, why not tax Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, etc instead?

    It seems like a pretty obvious thing to do.

    It’s much more reasonable than bollocks like taxing people for owning a computer or smartphone. IIRC the Republic were considering something daft like that for a short while.

  8. BBC is far too big, even after they did a bit of culling. Many of their website articles would be fodder for red top newspapers. Seriously if they cut half the shite out and also properly reported on events around the world it might be ok.

  9. I can think of no better illustration of how absurd and antiquated the TV licensing system is than the fact that if you watch Al Jazeera’s youtube channel you owe the BBC 170 fucking quid for some reason. Insane.

  10. So they think they have the right to charge £15 a month if you watch only foreign tv? what right do they have? They took no part in production or broadcasting this content! It’s disgusting.

    Why can’t they just switch to a subscription model, nothing that has been broadcast unencrypted should require payment. It’s common sense, they can very easily encrypt the broadcasts, but choose not to.

    They keep sending me letters and I genuinely don’t watch live tv, I’m fed up with them

  11. I dont know why the BBC tv license is taxiing people to watch non-BBC services. Like people pay for Sky, Virgin, Youtube (sometimes), Amazon Prime. These are all paid for services. If they think we are gonna pay for a service that doesnt apply to our entertainment? Which doesnt apply to he cost of the television as a monitor? Dumb as hell and archaic

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